Based on Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report for 2019-2020, it is estimated that over the past decade, Planned Parenthood has committed more than 3.3 million abortions and has also received nearly $6 billion from U.S. taxpayers while accumulating $1 billion in excess revenue over expenses. This shocking abortion total accumulated over just 10 years represents more than the current population of at least 20 states.
Key Takeaways:
In the past decade…
- Planned Parenthood has received nearly $6 billion from taxpayers.
- More than 3.3 million of the nation’s 7.7 million abortions were committed by Planned Parenthood.
- Planned Parenthood’s donor base and dollars have decreased as taxpayer funding has increased.
Nearly $6 billion in taxpayer funding
A review of Planned Parenthood’s annual reports over the last decade reveals that since Planned Parenthood published its 2010-2011 annual report, it has received nearly $5.6 billion from U.S. taxpayers.
In addition:
- Net assets climbed nearly 76%(1,159,600,000 in 2010-2011 to 2,040,500,000 in 2019-2020).
- Over $1 billion in excess revenue over expenses was gained by Planned Parenthood between 2010 and 2019-2020.
- Overall revenue rose nearly 35% (1,219,000,000 in 2010-2011 to 1,641,400,000 in 2019-2020).
- Annual reports published between 2010-2011 and 2019-2020 reveal Planned Parenthood’s total revenue was nearly $14 billion.
Planned Parenthood’s 2019-2020 report shows it received its highest amount of taxpayer revenue ever: $618.1 million. The increase occurred despite the fact that Planned Parenthood voluntarily walked away from an estimated annual $60 million in annual federal Title X family planning tax dollars in August of 2019. The abortion corporation refused the funding rather than comply with a Trump administration rule requiring Title X recipients to keep abortion services and facilities separate fiscally and physically from birth control facilities and staff. It is likely that Title X dollars may not be largely reflective of Planned Parenthood’s increase in taxpayer funding, since services from the most current report reflect only those received between October 1, 2018 and September 30, 2019.
Live Action News has previously detailed multiple reasons why taxpayer funding to the abortion giant has increased. A recent GAO report found that a majority of federal funding comes through grants or cooperative agreements as well as federal payments from Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP (parts of the Department of Health and Human Services), Title X funding, and other agencies.
Over 3.3 million abortions
In just the past decade (2010 to 2019-2020), Planned Parenthood committed 3,325,259 of the nearly 7.7 million U.S. abortions reported through 2017 (the Guttmacher Institute’s most recently-reported year for abortion statistics).

Decade of Planned Parenthood abortions taxpayer dollars and profit 2010 to 2019 (Graph: Live Action News)
Planned Parenthood’s abortion market share hits 41%
According their most recent report, Planned Parenthood killed more than 354,000 preborn children in a year, the highest on record, even though abortion numbers nationally are declining. According to Centers for Disease Control data from 2018, abortions nationwide have dropped nearly 57% from the peak recorded in 1990. The Guttmacher Institute’s 2017 data shows that the U.S. abortion rate hit its lowest point since Roe v. Wade.
Despite national declines, Planned Parenthood’s market share of abortions is expanding. In 2019-2020, Planned Parenthood committed over 41% of all abortions nationwide when compared with Guttmacher’s most recent data.
Planned Parenthood loses donors
In the past decade, on paper it appears that Planned Parenthood has only lost 110,000 donors, but a closer look at Planned Parenthood’s 2017-2018 and 2019-2020 annual reports reveals that the organization has actually lost nearly one million donors (910,000) in more recent years.
In 2017-2018, Planned Parenthood reported 1,500,000 active individual contributors — a record high. However, by 2018-2019, that support dwindled by 400,000, dropping to 1.1 million active donors.
Stunningly, in Planned Parenthood’s most recent report, it seems the corporation has lost almost half of its existing donors, dropping to just 590,000 for 2019-2020. This number is nearly the same amount as what Planned Parenthood had just 10 years prior (528,000 active donors in 2009). As Live Action News pointed out last year, the reason for the donor mass exodus remains unclear.

Planned Parenthood services donors and client totals 2000 through 2019-2020 (Graph: Live Action News)
Under the Biden/Harris administration, abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood are lobbying for federal taxpayer funding of abortion, which would be a boon for the industry, likely replacing some of the loss from decreasing donors. The administration is not only seeking to do away with the Hyde Amendment — a pro-life rider which prohibits federal dollars from paying for most abortions — but are seeking to pass legislation solidifying Roe v. Wade as the law of the land, and passing legislation to force taxpayers to fund abortions.
The abortion lobby claims poor women need the public to pay for their abortions while knowing full well the statistics which show that taxpayer-subsidized abortion means more abortions, as the Guttmacher Institute noted in a 2017 survey. This means the abortion industry stands to gain financially should its friends in Congress succeed in doing away with Hyde.
Private donation amounts on the decline
As taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood increases, private donations are declining.
In 2017-2018, 38% of Planned Parenthood’s revenue came from private donations, topping taxpayer dollars by $67 million. That same year, taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood accounted for 34% of revenue. According to Planned Parenthood’s 2018-2019 report, taxpayer funding outpaced private donations by $25.5 million and grew to 37% of Planned Parenthood’s revenue the following year; private donations fell by $39.50 million.
Planned Parenthood’s latest report reveals that while private donations dropped by $81.3 million from the previous year, taxpayer dollars leaped by $1.3 million to the highest amount ever recorded, making up a whopping 38% of overall revenue.
In most cases, Planned Parenthood’s revenue year is from June to June.

Planned Parenthood revenue percentage donor and government dollars 2017 to 2019-2020
Over $1 billion in excess revenue
According to Planned Parenthood’s 2019-2020 annual report, the corporation lost over half a million donors but accumulated nearly $70 million in excess revenue over expenses in just that one year, making Planned Parenthood’s net assets over $2 billion. Planned Parenthood’s report also shows the organization’s liabilities and net assets combined were more than $2.3 million.
In 2017-2018, Planned Parenthood collected a whopping $244.8 million in “excess revenue over spending,” their highest on record. Their most recent report shows a profit of $69.7 million, down slightly from the $110 million in excess revenue reported for the year prior (2018-2019).
In the past decade (from 2010 to June of 2020), Planned Parenthood took in over one billion dollars in excess revenue over expenses.
But Planned Parenthood’s recently released report (2019-2020) shows its net assets have now climbed to over $2 billion ($2,040,500,000, year ending June 30, 2020). This reflects an increase of $1.4 billion from what was reported in the 2000-2001 annual report when Planned Parenthood’s net assets were just $639.8 million (year ending June 30-2001).
In the past decade (2010-2019), Planned Parenthood’s net assets climbed by nearly one billion ($880.9 million) from $1.2 billion ($1,159.6 year ending June 30-2011) recorded in the 2010-2011 annual report to over $2 billion ($2040.5 million year ending June 30,2020).
Racism, fraud, and abuse should disqualify Planned Parenthood from tax dollars
Planned Parenthood’s increasing taxpayer dollars continue despite multiple scandals and abuses and a century of racism and eugenics. Any one of these should have resulted in a disqualification from tax dollars long ago.
Some of these abuses have been documented by Live Action News below:
- Medicaid fraud
- HIPAA privacy violations
- Failure to report child sexual abuse
- Violating Family Leave Act
- Pregnancy discrimination
- Violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other discrimination
- Staffer complaints and a toxic work environment
- Retaliation and intimidation toward staffers and whistleblowers
- Selling aborted baby body parts
- Federal elections violations
- Pattern of coercion
- History and present steeped in racism and eugenics
- Mismanagement
- Prioritizing profits over people
In addition, Live Action investigations have exposed Planned Parenthood’s child sexual abuse and child sex trafficking cover-up and their willingness to commit sex-selective abortions. Live Action’s Aiding Abusers investigative report and docuseries documented actual criminal cases exposing the abortion corporation’s ongoing cover-up of child sexual abuse. It also included testimony from an attorney representing two child sexual abuse victims.
Abortion is the primary service Planned Parenthood offers pregnant women. Former staffers revealed that Planned Parenthood has abortion goals. Planned Parenthood uses unscientific, fabricated and misleading medical information to convince women to have abortions, and former staffers have revealed how Planned Parenthood misinforms women about the development of their preborn babies, how they have a poor standard of care for clients (with former managers accusing them of “treating women like cattle”), and how they utilize ultrasound only for abortions.
Every single day, nearly $1.7 million taxpayer dollars prop up this corrupt, dangerous, and predatory organization. This needs to end.
Editor’s Note, 2/25: This post has been edited to clarify reporting years.
Editor’s Note, 4/26/21: This post has been edited to update Planned Parenthood’s net assets.
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