(National Review) Last Thursday, the Knights of Columbus released their annual poll on sanctity-of-life issues. This poll, which the Knights conduct in conjunction with Marist College, is always welcomed by pro-lifers. Unlike other surveys conducted by professional survey research firms, the Knights of Columbus/Marist poll asks about conscience rights, pregnancy help centers, and other issues of particular interest to people in the pro-life movement. Very often, the Knights of Columbus/Marist poll shows very strong public support for a range of incremental pro-life laws.

2025 K of C poll – abortion restrictions
This year’s poll was no exception. The Knights of Columbus/Marist poll found that, among over 1,387 adults surveyed, clear majorities opposed taxpayer funding of abortion both at home and overseas. Conscience rights polled well, as 62 percent felt that medical professionals should not be legally required to perform abortions. Additionally, 63 percent of Americans felt that an in-person medical exam should be required if a woman wants to obtain a chemical abortion. Finally, a whopping 83 percent of adults support the work of pro-life pregnancy help centers.

2025 K of C poll – pregnancy centers
Overall, the Knights of Columbus/Marist poll revealed a great deal of stability in public attitudes toward abortion during the past year. Interestingly, the poll found gains in public support for some pro-life policies. There was greater opposition to public funding of abortion both at home and abroad.

2025 K of C poll – Tax dollars for abortion at home

2025 K of C poll – Tax dollars for abortion abroad
Since 2024, there has been a gain of two percentage points in support of conscience rights of health care professionals. This is important. During the 2024 election, Kamala Harris and other Democrats clearly prioritized abortion, spending millions of dollars on the issue. This poll shows that support for many pro-life policies is very durable.
As pro-lifers return home from Friday’s March for Life, we should take heart. During his first few days in office, President Trump has taken some valuable steps in building a culture of life. He has pardoned the 23 pro-lifers who were jailed for FACE Act violations. He has also restored the Mexico City policy, which prevents U.S. foreign aid dollars from going to overseas entities that perform or promote abortions.
This new Knights of Columbus/Marist poll contains more good news. It shows the incoming Trump administration that potential policy steps to strengthen conscience rights and limit chemical abortions will enjoy strong public support.
Editor’s Note: This article was published at National Review and is reprinted here with permission.
Tell President Trump, RFK, Jr., Elon, and Vivek:
Stop killing America’s future. Defund Planned Parenthood NOW!