
MSNBC slanders pro-lifers with the help of the abortion industry


On Saturday, Elie Mystal and Amy Hagstrom Miller joined MSNBC host Tiffany Cross to discuss the Texas Heartbeat Act and spew lies about pro-life advocates whom Cross referred to as “crazy yahoos.”

The three spent nearly ten minutes sharing their rage over the new law, which restricts abortion to about six weeks of pregnancy when a fetal heartbeat can first be detected — though it has been beating since 16 to 22 days after fertilization. The outlandish claims made by the trio were shocking and expose the clear bias plaguing major media “journalists.”

“Ramifications … for individual lives … is unacceptable”

Miller is the President and CEO of the Whole Woman’s Health abortion business, a Texas abortion chain that has been cited by state health inspectors for numerous health violations over the years including bloody medical waste thrown in the dumpster, rust on suction machines, and failure to sterilize instruments. The location in Beaumont even faced disciplinary action for “failure to have a licensed nursing staff at the facility.”

Despite her unacceptable failure to protect women, Miller claimed, “The ramifications [of the Texas Heartbeat Act] not only across the country but really for individual lives across the state of Texas where people are being denied access to safe abortion in one of the largest states in our country on our watch is unacceptable.”



Yet, women who are unable to go through with an abortion for whatever reason report being happy that they didn’t kill their preborn children. The deeply flawed pro-abortion Turnaway Study found that one week after being denied an abortion, 65% of women reported that they wished they could have had the abortion — but after the birth of their children, that number dropped to 12%. After their child’s first birthday, it declined to seven percent, and after five years, only four percent still wished they could have had an abortion.

The true ramifications that Miller and company are likely afraid of is that their abortion businesses will lose revenue.

“They care so little for life”

Cross went on to attack pro-lifers and Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett. “This entire thing about protecting the fetus, when they care so little for life in this country is beyond comprehension. It feels like they really must hate women in Texas and all across the country. How is it possible the Supreme Court allowed this to stand? I know they haven’t ruled on it but they could rule later but we have an actual handmaid on the court so I have to tell you, I’m not so excited about depending on them to protect me and my right to choose.”

Pro-lifers care deeply for both the preborn child and her mother. Women who undergo abortions are at an increased risk of drug and alcohol abuse, depression, and suicidal thoughts. The ramifications of abortion for women can also include physical injuries and death. Pro-lifers aren’t just trying to protect preborn children from violent death, but to provide actual help to women who think their only choice is abortion. No woman should ever be told she must choose between her career and her child, her education and her child, or her finances and her child.

READ: Pro-abortion researchers downplay study showing how pregnancy centers help women avoid abortion

Furthermore, Cross called Barrett an “actual handmaid.” A handmaid is a female servant and Barrett is a Supreme Court Justice who is also raising seven children with her husband. Women like Barrett enrage women like Cross and Miller by showing that a woman can be extremely successful in her career and be a mother because it destroys the pro-abortion argument that women need abortion to be equal and successful.

“It has nothing to do with life”

Mystal, justice correspondent for The Nation, told Cross that if pro-lifers “cared about life they would be giving women $10,000 and free health care to bring pregnancies to term, not giving people $10,000 to go rat them out to the state. It has nothing to do with life. It has everything to do with the control of women’s bodies.”

As abortion becomes more restricted in the United States, pro-lifers will need to increase their already generous efforts to help women navigate life during and after an unplanned pregnancy. Currently, pro-life pregnancy centers are available in Texas to help women with their needs including material items, access to medical care and health insurance, financial support, and ultrasounds. These services are free because, again, pro-lifers care about both women and their children. The law has everything to do with protecting both lives. It’s also important to note that the Texas Heartbeat Act includes no punishments for women who undergo an abortion.

“Roe is dead”

Mystal continued by claiming, “What the Supreme Court did [in failing to block the law] was take 50 years of precedent that was Roe v. Wade and 30 years of precedent that was Planned Parenthood v. Casey and throw it out the window. That’s where we are now. Roe is dead.”

Roe is not dead… yet. Texas is the only state to have successfully implemented a heartbeat bill and the Supreme Court has yet to rule on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization concerning Mississippi’s law restricting abortion to the first 15 weeks of pregnancy. If the Supreme Court rules that the Mississippi Gestational Age Act stands, that would signal that the unscientific viability limit set by Roe v. Wade and affirmed by Planned Parenthood v. Casey is no longer valid. Thanks to medical and scientific advancements, we now have a much clearer understanding of fetal development and life inside the womb. These advancements destroy the so-called “precedent” of Roe v. Wade.

Just because a ruling is called “precedent” does not mean it is constitutionally sound or just. It also doesn’t mean that it can never be overturned. The Supreme Court once upheld slavery with the Dred Scott case and affirmed the “separate but equal” doctrine in Plessy v. Ferguson. The same Supreme Court that ruled in Roe v. Wade also ruled in Bradwell v. Illinois and found that it was constitutional for a state to discriminate against women, upholding a ban that prevented women from sitting for a state’s bar exam. 

It doesn’t matter how long a ruling stands — if it’s unjust like Roe is, it can and should be brought down.

“We’re going back to hangers” 

As the conversation continued, Cross resorted to a pro-abortion scare tactic meant to rally the abortion troops. “I don’t think people realize we’re going back to hangers and seedy hotels and things that really put a woman’s life at risk.” She’s wrong.

As Live Action has reported, the deaths from illegal abortion prior to Roe v. Wade were highly inflated. Bernard Nathanson, one of the driving forces behind legalized abortion, admitted to this when he became pro-life. Though no life should be lost to abortion — mother or child — the actual number of illegal abortions in the United States was “approaching 100,000” — not one million as abortion enthusiasts had claimed. But the fear tactic — that a million women had undergone dangerous illegal abortions — worked.


In addition, legal abortion has never meant safe abortion. Though there is no clear picture of the number of complications of abortion in the United States due to the fact that only about half of all states are required to report abortion complications, women are still dying from abortion or facing horrific injuries. These are the stories of just seven women who have been killed by legal abortion in the United States. In 2020, two women were injured so badly by the same abortionists in a span of just two weeks that the staff at the hospital where they were taken for surgery were left “traumatized.” Again, only a fraction of the injuries and deaths from legal abortion are known, and the major media outlets don’t report on the ones that are uncovered.

The abortion industry dropped its faux concern for women’s health and so-called safe abortion when it began advocating for self-managed abortions in the privacy of women’s homes. Telemedicine abortions have been on the rise, and the dangerous abortion pill, which can cause hemorrhaging and death, is being distributed to women without a prior exam to determine which women are most at risk for complications. In addition, late-term abortions are a multi-day process, and women are sent away for a large part of it — left alone to suffer. And in the case of Keisha Atkins, to eventually die.

We aren’t “going back” to unsafe abortions — those have always existed.

“This is cruel and inhumane”

As the interviews wrapped up, Miller called the Texas Heartbeat Act “cruel and inhumane.” Cross called pro-lifers the “Texas Taliban” and claimed the “majority of Americans support legal and safe abortions.”

Abortion itself is cruel and inhumane, as it kills children violently, including by ripping the arms and legs off of pain-capable children before crushing their skulls. To compare pro-lifers to the Taliban is absurd and offensive. And the majority of Americans actually want abortion restricted to the first trimester.

As a possible solution to the Texas Heartbeat Act, Mystal suggested that the government send federal doctors to Texas and end the Hyde Amendment, allowing the government to be in total control of killing the babies of underprivileged women — free of charge.

Nothing about the interviews was honest except for the last four words spoken by Cross: “[H]onestly, who cares what everybody thinks except for the woman carrying the child.” (emphasis added) That’s what this all comes down to — a woman and a child — and Cross, Miller, and Mystal think one should be able to kill the other.

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