In the debate between Vice Presidential candidates on October 1 hosted by CBS, VP candidates Ohio Senator JD Vance and Minnesota Governor...
Oscar-winning pro-abortion actress Jennifer Lawrence recently spoke with People Magazine about a documentary she has produced with Hillary and Chelsea Clinton —...
Jennie Garth, known for her role on “Beverly Hills, 90210,” recently shared with SELF magazine that her attempts to have a baby...
Trina McGee, the actress known for her starring role in the 1990s ABC sitcom, “Boy Meets World,” has announced that she has...
CNN is sharing the story of a woman who faced charges following the death of her newborn baby in March of 2023...
There’s a legal battle taking place in Colorado, as lawmakers there banned the use of “abortion pill reversal” (APR) in April of...
Last week, news broke that Georgia woman Amber Thurman had died after taking the abortion pill, suffering sepsis (a known but rare...
While relaying the news story of Amber Thurman, who died in Georgia in 2022 after a botched chemical abortion, Lawrence O’Donnell, the...
A woman in California has brought designer babies back into the spotlight by admitting that she only wants daughters and explaining the...
In the summer of 2023, the American Association of Pro-Life OBGYNs (AAPLOG) published a Glossary of Medical Terms affirming that there is...
The trial for Adam Smith-Cooper, a family man and veteran, began in the UK last week; he faces prosecution for silently praying...
A Care Post-Roe Study released last week by an Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (ANSIRH), led by abortionist Dr. Daniel Grossman...
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) CEO Adrienne Mansanares is continuing to lament a supposed dearth of abortion facilities — particularly...
At 12 weeks, Ashley Brandt of Dallas, Texas, learned that one of the identical twin girls she was carrying had acrania, a...