Since Planned Parenthood’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton, many of the abortion group’s supporters have been in disbelief. Planned Parenthood’s Facebook page continues to fill with incensed expressions of outrage – not from pro-lifers, but from PP’s own former supporters.
Many are assuring Planned Parenthood that they will no longer send donations, and that they are “unliking” PP’s Facebook page or unsubscribing from PP emails. Women and men are expressing anger over their general sentiment that Hillary Clinton has oppressed vulnerable women. They are telling PP that the endorsement is evidence of cronyism and corruption, and some are even agreeing that it is time for Planned Parenthood to be defunded.
Some posting on PP’s page seem to finally understand why pro-lifers have been objecting to the taxpayer funding of PP for years: corruption. When its their own tax dollars potentially funding a candidate they don’t like, these commenters are more willing to express their outrage and approve of Congressional investigations.
One longtime supporter tells it just like he sees it, calling Planned Parenthood “FOOLS.”
Another chimes in with a cry of “idiots.”
One woman hasn’t been moved enough to stop supporting PP, but she points out the abortion giant’s insistence on “stick[ing] with misinformation.”
Many are more than disappointed in Planned Parenthood’s lack of regard for the women trampled and hurt by Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and The Clinton Foundation.
Other former Planned Parenthood supporters are seeing the truth: “Planned Parenthood is putting their business before the welfare of woman [sic],” and, for the abortion giant, it really is all about money, “nepotism, and personal connections.”
Some are pointing out what they believe is a conflict of interest, as PP President Cecile Richard’s daughter, Lily Adams, works for the Clinton campaign.
Countless outraged supporters are declaring that Planned Parenthood’s endorsement of HRC has equaled an end to their personal donations and support: