The pro-abortion blog xoJane posted an article in early May (just days before Mother’s Day) entitled “It Happened to Us: Abortion.” In this article, S.E. Smith asks her readers to share their abortion stories. She also highlighted the experiences of several women through photos and signs. Just to give you an idea of the flavor of this article, the URL includes the words “abortion” and “fantastic.”
In words reminiscent of RH Reality Check’s Jessica DelBalzo, S.E. Smith of XOjane writes about her own abortion:
Even if it hadn’t been an ectopic pregnancy, if it had been a totally healthy pregnancy that wasn’t endangering my life, I would have gotten an abortion. I would get an abortion if I was pregnant today (which, wow, let me tell you, would be quite a feat).
I love abortion.
She also posted this photo of herself, smilingly affirming that “abortion is awesome.” After attempting to explain that abortion should be assigned no “moral value” and that it is a “medical procedure, pure and simple,” Smith continues:
So I’ll say it again: I had an abortion. I love abortions. I’m out and proud about having had an abortion and I wholeheartedly and unilaterally support everyone who has chosen to have an abortion, for whatever reason, at whatever time…

If I was pregnant TODAY, I would get an abortion. (Cats are enough, thank you.) (Less crying) (Self reliance) (Smaller poops)
So how low will abortion supporters stoop? Obviously low enough to claim that the taking of another human life has no moral value and is merely a simple medical procedure. But Smith’s article goes even lower. She features this woman who equates babies to cats while stating that cats are better – for several reasons – including that they have “smaller poops.”
Smith also has no problem with the in-your-face selfishness sometimes displayed by abortion supporters. She features this woman who highlights the fact that she chose her own life instead of her baby’s. Now, if we were actually talking about a situation in which a woman would die if her baby were not removed from her body, well, yes, that woman has the right to choose her own life.
However, a woman in a situation like that would almost certainly not smile and look so confident and pleased with her choice. Most women in these type of situations mourn the loss of their children. While it is very inaccurate to claim that Karen Santorum had an abortion (she most certainly did not), an infection in her body caused her son Gabriel to be delivered to soon. He died, and she lived. The entire country knows that Karen Santorum mourns his loss to this day.
Abortion supporters are quick to point out that they have the right to choose their own “life” (read: career, perfect financial situation, interests, hobbies, preferences, desires, and convenience) over the life of an innocent child who never asked to exist in the first place. This is the height of selfishness.

I've never had an abortion...but knowing I could, after being on a plane with screaming infants, makes me happy! :)
Perhaps the lowest example from Smith’s article is this one. It reads: “I’ve never had an abortion…but knowing I could, after being on a plane with screaming infants, makes me happy! :)” Wow. So does this woman wish she could kill all those screaming infants on planes? Does she wish they had never been born? And why? Simply because she doesn’t want to be “inconvenienced” for a few hours by the screams of a needy, tired, or scared infant?
Have we really come to the place where we value ourselves so much that we can’t bother to recognize the needs of those around us and have compassion on them in moments of weakness? Apparently this is exactly the place abortion supporters find themselves, and it’s a scary situation.
As a final point – no, for the vast majority of women who have had abortions, abortion did not “just happen” to them. If it “just happened” to them, then they must have had no choice in the matter, and one would assume that pro-choice advocates would speak out against this. Instead, women make the choice to kill their children through abortion. It does not “just happen” any more than Andrea Yates or Susan Smith “just happened” to kill their children.
And for the women who believe they made an uninformed choice, abortion still did not “just happen.” As Abby Johnson wrote today, there is a wonderful place and forgiveness for all women who regret their abortions. I greatly admire women like her who take personal responsibility for their actions, mourn the loss of their children, and do all in their power to stop other women from making the tragic choice they themselves did.