Imagine hating the pro-life message so much you proclaim death to any unborn baby. Imagine hating the pro-life message so much you...
As a pro-life writer, I’m often confronted by articulate, well informed opponents who are ready to engage in thoughtful debate. I also...
Imagine coming to church for worship, and then having your silent prayer interrupted with “Abomination! You’re going to hell! Synagogue of Satan!”...
Earlier this year, Mireille Miller-Young, Ph.D, was working as an associate professor of feminist studies at University of California Santa Barbara, specializing...
A recent incident at the University of California, Santa Barbara made nationwide waves. Thrin Short, a 16-year-old pro-life high school student, was...
Along with pro-choice sentiments usually comes vitriol from those who harp on the legality of abortion and sometimes do it by denying...
Sam Bailey-Loomis has never been silent about her Catholicism or anti-abortion views. Even after she was pushed down the stairs and called...
January 22 is a date that pro-lifers will always remember. It’s the day that Roe v. Wade was decided, and abortion became...
“If the pope were a woman, abortion would be legal” Amidst crowds of angry feminists shouting that if the pope were a...
Sometimes you read something that makes you say, "Wait, what?"
Not too long ago, the press would have been all over the rights-supporting pro-life movement. Not so today.
Encouraging black fathers to murder their children is now "neighborhood beautification."
Three kids, expecting one more.
Via Students for Life: Early this morning, campus police at Western Kentucky University (WKU) refused to stop vandals from draping condoms on...