The University of Florida’s Planned Parenthood chapter held a presentation in late September during which the group made erroneous claims about abortion, preborn children, and women who have had abortions. The presentation was part of the Planned Parenthood Generation Action UF’s second general body meeting, according to Campus Reform. The meeting was called “How to Get an Abortion in Gainesville.”
Campus Reform attended the meeting and snapped a photo of what the Planned Parenthood group deemed to be misconceptions related to abortion. Except some of these supposed misconceptions are actually completely accurate.
1. The first on the list of supposed “misconceptions” is, “People who have abortions have emotional problems afterward.”
Planned Parenthood Generation Action UF claims this isn’t true, but studies – and women themselves – have proven that there is a link between abortion and mental health concerns.
As Live Action News has previously reported, of 19 studies that compared abortion to childbirth, 13 of them showed a definitive risk for at least one mental health issue after abortion. Other studies have shown that women are at a 155 percent increased risk of anxiety, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and suicidal thoughts. Many women have come forward to share this reality:
- “I wanted to get on with my life, but it was something that was always there, like a dark cloud over my life.”
- “I had five abortions… You never get over it. I was just talking with my friend the other day, she’s had abortions. She said maybe 99 percent of the people that she knows never get over it. She agrees with me. That one percent are the ones in denial. … I don’t want anyone else to have to go through this. It’s a deep wound that I can’t even explain to you. You just live every day with this.”
- “…[T]here are nights when I wish I could die, when I look in the mirror and hate myself with every fiber of my being. There are nights where I stay up holding the locket, the one piece I have of both my ex-boyfriend and my child, and just cry hysterically. There are nights where I try so hard to convince myself that life is worthwhile by talking myself to sleep with thoughts of stargazing and dancing and laughter, but no matter what I think about I can’t get rid of an all-encompassing sense of pain.”
2. Another supposed misconception the Planned Parenthood group spoke about was that “Fetuses experience pain during abortions.”
They claim this isn’t true, but studies have shown that preborn children react to stimuli and are capable of feeling pain, possibly even as early as eight weeks.
3. The Planned Parenthood group also said the idea that “People are coerced into getting abortions” is a misconception.
The truth is that over 73 percent of women who have had abortions say they felt pressured into it. According to the study which was published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, more than half of the women said the pressure they felt was enough to seriously influence their decision to have an abortion. 58 percent said they chose abortion in order to make someone else happy and nearly 30 percent said they were scared that their partner would leave them if they didn’t abort.
“These findings are alarming,” says Population Research Institute President Steven Mosher. “They suggest that a substantial number of women in America today who supposedly ‘choose’ abortion are actually being pressured into it by their husbands, boyfriends, or family members.”
4. Planned Parenthood Generation Action UF also stated during the presentation that the idea that “Getting an abortion can lead to future infertility problems” is untrue.
Unfortunately, this has actually happened to countless women. One woman, Sarah, shared her story saying she was happy to be pregnant but the father wasn’t and said he would hurt her and the baby if she didn’t abort. After the abortion, she was devastated, and she later remarried. But since that abortion, she has been struggling with infertility and ectopic pregnancies.
Multiple studies show that along with the other risks associated with abortion, infertility can occur as a result. A study in the British Journal of Gynecology found that women who have abortions have a 60 percent increased risk of future miscarriage. And the Planned Parenthood consent form for abortion actually lists “sterility” as a possible risk of abortion. Apparently that memo didn’t make it to the Planned Parenthood Generation Action UF group.
5. Finally, the group claims that it is a myth that “abortion causes breast cancer.”
However, multiple studies have confirmed that the two are linked.
An increased risk of breast cancer occurs for women who give birth before 32 weeks gestation and the same is true when a pregnancy is ended by abortion. The science behind this deals with different types of breast cells and their maturation process during pregnancy. Hush: The Documentary was filmed by a pro-choice woman who went looking for answers on the abortion-breast cancer link… and what she found was more than she bargained for. This skeptical pro-choicer became convinced that women are not being told of an increased risk of breast cancer from abortion. In her documentary, she says research shows that abortion at eight weeks increases the risk of developing breast cancer about 20 to 40 percent.
This meeting of the University of Florida’s Planned Parenthood group is further proof that the abortion corporation has one agenda: to sell abortion to America – especially young America – with manipulation and lies.
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