The past few years have seen a record number of pro-life state laws passed, including tougher regulations on abortion clinics. Other laws...
Americans learned a lot of terrible things about Planned Parenthood this year, but these five just might take the cake. When it...
The depravity of the abortion industry has no bounds, as evidenced by the heinous criminal activity and downright grotesque daily practices that...
Suzanne Staggenborg’s book The Pro-Choice Movement: Organization and Activism In the Abortion Conflict quoted early pro-choice leaders and traced the development of the...
In July, the National Abortion Federation (NAF) sued the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) accusing CMP of using fake names, infiltration, and...
Responding To Pro-Abortion Advocates is a series where I will focus in on comments made by pro-abortion persons. These comments might be...
Despite the fact that abortion facilities are being closed for unsafe conditions, that women are being rushed out of Planned Parenthood and other...
Last week, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine announced that his office had opened an investigation into Ohio’s three Planned Parenthood clinics, and...
The American Life League just released their STOPP International project, a study that researched Planned Parenthood. The study looked into the salaries...
On Wednesday, the annual survey from the American Life League’s STOPP International program was released. This report surveys all of the Planned...
One of the most strongly held beliefs in the Catholic Church is that of the sanctity of life. This is why you...
Last month on November 29, Carly Fiorina dared to speak the truth about the Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal on Fox News:...
Here are 10 reasons why a civilized nation that cares about the rights of women and children ought to support the permanent...
The president of NARAL Pro-Choice America meant to send a donation plea to supporters, but instead, she sent a revelation of just...