In an emergency e-mail appeal to supporters with the subject line “This is an emergency (Planned Parenthood),” the president of NARAL Pro-choice America, Ilyse G. Hogue, called for action to save the abortion giant.
The donation e-mail blast was packed full of Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards’ rhetoric. Hogue begins:
Planned Parenthood is under attack.
The nation’s largest provider of reproductive health care is facing a highly coordinated smear campaign by militant extremists — and now anti-choice members of Congress think this is their chance to destroy Planned Parenthood.
It’s all hands on deck to save Planned Parenthood and stop the wave of attacks on abortion rights coming at us.
Clearly, NARAL is as desperate as Planned Parenthood to deflect the reality that over 320,000 babies are slaughtered in Planned Parenthood abortion mills every year. In fact, it’s so desperate, it’s using libelous lies that echo Richard’s slanderous comments on ABC News Sunday.
Hogue writes:
In recent days, three heavily edited, secretly recorded videos have been released by a group linked to clinic bombings and the murders of doctors.1 The latest video just came out this morning. There have also been reports that Planned Parenthood’s internal databases have been hacked.2
It’s an all-out assault on one of the most important reproductive health providers in America.
Quite the contrary. Actually, it is an all-out assault to try to cover up the truth, beginning with Hogue’s footnoted sources. She tries to attribute a mainstream publication to support her lies that the Center for Medical Progress is associated with a couple lone rangers who are clearly not pro-life, and exhibited violence against doctors and clinics. There are several problems with this assertion. The obvious one is that it is a complete lie. As Live Action detailed after Richards’ interview on ABC:
She’s alluding to Dr. George Tiller, the late-term abortion doctor who was murdered in church by a man who acted independently. Scott Roeder, who killed Tiller, would call Operation Rescue on the phone (as any member of the public can do), but he was not part of their group. Operation Rescue’s Troy Newman, sits on the board of CMP, so the abortion giant is trying to tie CMP to murder.
However, in telling that lie, Hogue deceives again. Her footnote to that accusation is this story from the New York Times, where no mention is made of Daleiden being tied to bombings and murders. The truth is Daleiden has never been involved in violent activity against abortionists. Perhaps Hogue assumes by adding official looking footnotes and sources, no one will bother to read. But the source she cites doesn’t actually support what she argues.
Her second accusation implies that Daleiden’s group had something to do with Planned Parenthood’s website being hacked. Again, her source doesn’t support this. It simply states that “anti-abortionist activists claimed to have hacked Planned Parenthood’s database.” And the story’s only sources are abortion advocates anyway. But Hogue is so desperate that she is attempting to link anything she can.
She does manage to tell the truth when she says tissue donation is legal. Of course, selling tissue, profiting off tissue, and altering abortion techniques to get “whole specimens” isn’t legal, but that is not mentioned in NARAL’s desperate emergency plea for money.
Hogue then lets readers in on the NARAL battle plan, for which she needs money.
- We’re flooding Congress with patch-through-style phone calls and petition signatures to make sure every single Planned Parenthood supporter has their voice heard.
- We’re demanding investigations into the illegal activities of the activists behind the videos — including whether they broke the law by secretly recording Planned Parenthood staff without consent.
- Our team of policy experts are all over Capitol Hill educating members of Congress on the facts.
So why the emergency? Hogue writes, “these attacks against Planned Parenthood came out of nowhere, and we didn’t budget for the huge fight we’re now facing.”
Considering how much money Planned Parenthood makes every year, it would seem Planned Parenthood would have enough money to fight its own battle. But, then, how would NARAL profit off of this?