Among the many dubious arguments pro-aborts are making to the Supreme Court as it considers Texas abortion regulations, this one may be...
The sudden death of conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia already has pro-lifers concerned about the outcome of the first major abortion...
According to one abortion facility escort, women already know what is inside them when they go to get abortions. Although she doesn’t...
Planned Parenthood’s decision to endorse Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders has created quite the stir. Despite some backlash from supporters, Planned Parenthood...
(Daily Signal) Ohio Gov. John Kasich is expected to sign a bill defunding Planned Parenthood, making Ohio the ninth state to passing...
The idea of sending abortionists love letters is strange, to say the least. To find out that those love letters are coming...
US District Judge William Orrick’s decision to extend the restraining order against the Center for Medical Progress’s release of undercover videos that...
By now, just about everyone’s heard about how NARAL Pro-Choice America let lose in a twitter rant over a Doritos commercial – one which...
As Live Action News reported, 2015 was a historic and monumental year for the pro-life movement. And it appears that 2016 may...
Last month, Center for Medical Progress founder, David Daleiden, was indicted by a grand jury in Harris County, Texas along with his colleague...
In 2009, Esquire reporter John H. Richardson wrote an article about late-term abortionist Warren Hern after touring Hern’s Boulder, Colorado, abortion facility. Richardson observed abortion workers...
There are countless people who get excited about seeing which team will be this year’s world champion at every Super Bowl, but...
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt on March 2, which will examine if Texas’s law (HB2) requiring...
Two of the top presidential contenders, Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, have recently come under fire for their consistently pro-life position –...