When Christine Segers’ college aspirations soured after a year, she moved in with her boyfriend, whom she hoped to eventually marry. And...
When Peggy Benicke first got pregnant at 17, she chose to place her daughter for adoption with a loving family. She wanted...
A single mother of two sons, Fern Buzinski was in a relationship with a man who was interested neither in marriage nor...
Debbie Fleck was just 16 when she suspected she might be pregnant. Her 21-year-old boyfriend, who she felt had coerced her into...
She was just 16 years old, afraid, and confused when a Planned Parenthood counselor informed Christine “Christy” Ballor that she was 10...
Forty years ago when she was 8-10 weeks pregnant, 19-year-old Terry Ann Adams reluctantly entered Planned Parenthood in New York City for...
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this guest post are solely those of the author and are not necessarily reflective of Live Action...
When we consider the effects of abortion, we usually think of those most directly affected: the mother, the father, the aborted child....
Stepping up.
"No little boy or girl dreams about being an abortion clinic worker when they grow up."
I had been looking forward to my post-abortion healing retreat weekend for months. Years, in fact. The grief and crushing guilt after...
Salon.com is typically known as a radically-pro-abortion news outlet. It’s surprising to see this incredibly raw, moving first-person account of one woman’s...