In a new video released by Live Action, former Planned Parenthood manager Sue Thayer, and a former nurse, Marianne Anderson, reveal how the abortion giant has quotas for the number of abortions that are committed in its facilities. The two ex-workers explained how they were mandated to sell more abortions, even noting that there are no quotas for prenatal care or adoption, but there are certainly quotas for the corporation’s chief money-maker: abortion.
“I felt like I was more of a salesman, sometimes, to sell abortions,” Anderson said. “We were constantly told, ‘You have quotas to meet to stay open.'”
“Every center had a goal for how many abortions were done, so we were very goal-oriented,” Thayer said. “I trained my staff the way that I was trained, which was to really encourage women to choose abortion, to have it at Planned Parenthood, because that counts — you know — towards our goal.”
Thayer explains that employees sought to secure abortion appointments for women when they visited Planned Parenthood, even going so far to discourage them from keeping their children. She explains, for example, if a woman could not afford her initial visit to Planned Parenthood, she was informed how expensive raising a child will be.
“We would say things like, ‘Your pregnancy test, your visit today is X number of dollars. How much are you going to be able to pay towards that?'” Thayer explains. “If they say, ‘I’m not able to pay today,’ then we would say something like, ‘If you can’t pay $10 today, how are you going to take care of a baby?'”
The chilling details fly in the face of Planned Parenthood’s own claims that it is the leading health care provider for women, showing clearly that the abortion giant’s chief concern is increasing its bottom line through the killing of innocent children. Even more egregious, Thayer describes how the corporation incentivizes its employees to sell more abortions by offering them rewards, such as pizza parties or lunches with Planned Parenthood’s executive team.
“We would have things like pizza parties,” Thayer said. “Occasionally they would say, ‘You can have two hours of PTO.'”
Former Planned Parenthood manager Abby Johnson also affirmed abortion quotas in a blog post, which included an award from Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains to its Aurora facility for exceeding its abortion quota.
Ever since I left Planned Parenthood, I have been talking about the abortion quotas that are established inside abortion facilities. Many abortion supporters refused to believe it, citing that surely Planned Parenthood wants abortion to be safe, legal and RARE. If they want something to be RARE, they certainly wouldn’t have quotas, right?
We recently had a clinic worker leave the affiliate, Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains. This affiliate runs the 2nd largest Planned Parenthood facility in the U.S. At this clinic in Denver, they give out various awards to their satellite clinics and post these awards on a bulletin board for everyone to see.
When our former worker saw this award on public display, it really started to change her thinking about Planned Parenthood’s motivation. This award was given to their Aurora clinic for “exceeding abortion visits first half of fiscal year 2012 compared to first half of fiscal year 2013.”
The disturbing revelations come at a time when Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer subsidies are under scrutiny in the wake of investigative videos showing its abortion-first agenda and lack of health care services for women. In an expose released last month, Live Action investigators called Planned Parenthood facilities nationwide asking for prenatal care, and discovered that the abortion chain does not help women who want to keep their babies. The video has now gone viral, receiving over 15 million views and over 430,000 shares (as of Monday) on Facebook alone.
A second video released last week shows Planned Parenthood employees admitting that ultrasounds are not used for the purpose of health care, but for killing. Women who wanted to monitor the health and development of their babies were informed that they could not receive an ultrasound solely for prenatal care, and were turned away.