
Bill Gates, global funder of abortion, says lockdown on bars and restaurants is ‘appropriate’ to save lives

Bill Gates

It’s a puzzling contradiction that we’ve seen many times during the COVID-19 pandemic: government and thought leaders support restrictive measures under the guise of “saving lives” while allowing abortion facilities to remain open, even as lifesaving surgeries were halted for months at hospitals across the country.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates is one of those thought leaders. The Gates Foundation has granted $1.75 billion to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and recently advocated for continuing the lockdown on bars and restaurants. “Bars and restaurants—in most of the country—will be closed as we go into this wave, and I think, sadly, that’s appropriate,” Gates told CNN’s State of the Union. A report by the National Restaurant Association found that at least 10,000 restaurants have closed nationwide in the last three months alone, bringing the total to more than 110,000.

Yet Gates has failed to call for a lockdown of the abortion providers he funds through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has granted millions upon millions to fund organizations that promote and/or commit abortion. Evidence from abortion businesses’ own surveys reveal that they offer little to their patients beyond abortion and contraception. Yet even during a pandemic, the population control agenda marches forward.


Planned Parenthood

The grant database of the Gates Foundation reveals that in the past several years the philanthropic organization has given millions to Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) and International Planned Parenthood Federation. A Newsbusters report calculated that the foundation granted $81,009,329 to Planned Parenthood between 2009 and 2018.

Live Action News found millions more granted to PPFA and a Washington Planned Parenthood affiliate prior to 2009:

  • 1998: (PPFA) $2.6 million (here)
  • 1998: (PP in Washington) $500K (here)
  • 1999: (PPFA) $5 million (here)
  • 2000: (PPFA) $3 million (here)
  • 2000: (PP in Washington) $75K (here)
  • 2002: (PPFA) $1.7 million (here)
  • 2003: (PPFA) $1.7 million (here)
  • 2005: (PP in Washington) $1 million (here)
  • 2007: (PP in Washington) $200K (here)

The Guttmacher Institute

The Gates Foundation also funds Planned Parenthood’s former “special affiliate,” the Guttmacher Institute, named after Dr. Alan F. Guttmacher, a former VP of the eugenics society and past president of Planned Parenthood. The Guttmacher Institute was founded in 1968 as the Center for Family Planning Program Development and was housed within the corporate structure of PPFA.

Marie Stopes International (MSI Reproductive Choices)

While Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the US, Gates Foundation dollars are also funneled overseas to abortion provider Marie Stopes International (MSI), which recently changed its name to MSI Reproductive Choices in an attempt to distance itself from its eugenic history. According to Right To Life UK, MSI commits millions of abortions across the globe, despite its ongoing scandals.

DKT International

The Gates Foundation also funds DKT International, an organization which openly sells the abortion pill (mifepristone) and manual vacuum aspiration abortion kits globally. DKT also has US connections. Matthew Reeves, MD, an abortionist at the Dupont Clinic in D.C. which commits abortions “after 26 weeks,” sits on DKTs board. In addition, the Georgia-based abortion chain Carafem (corporate name FemHealth USA, Inc.), appears to be a DKT affiliate, according to DKT’s latest financial audit and 2018 990.  Carafem is part of an expanding TelAbortion clinical trial within the US, sponsored by Gynuity Health Foundation.

Gynuity Health Foundation

Gynuity is also heavily financed by the Gates Foundation, which is listed as a “donor” on Gynuity’s website. Gynuity is aiding the expansion of abortion in the US, sponsoring abortion pill clinical trials, and recruiting children as young as 10 for the trials. Gynuity truthfully states online that it has “been at the forefront of efforts to increase women’s access to medical abortion in settings throughout the world.” In two separate experimental abortion pill trials for late-term abortions, Gynuity is targeting minority women outside the US.

Population Council

According to Newsbusters, between 2018 and 2020, the Gates Foundation “gave at least $11,381,171” to the Population Council, a non-profit founded by John D. Rockefeller III in 1952 (along with others already entrenched in the eugenics movement) responsible for bringing the abortion pill (then known as RU-486) into the US. The right to distribute the drugs was later passed to Danco Laboratories, a sub-licensee of the Population Council heavily financed by the Packard Foundation.

Pathfinder International

Pathfinder International — an organization founded by eugenicist Clarence Gamble who served as director of Margaret Sanger’s American Birth Control League board (and Planned Parenthood’s) — also receives funding from the Gates Foundation. It was to Gamble that Sanger penned her famous letter about her “Negro Project” to recruit Black ministers and physicians to further her eugenic population control agenda in the Black community. Pathfinder focuses on contraception as well as ensuring “quality, comprehensive abortion services” globally, especially in low-income nations.

Funders for Reproductive Equity

Funders for Reproductive Equity — which defines itself as a community of grantmakers focused on sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice (SRHRJ) in the United States and around the world — is also supported financially by Gates Foundation grants. In fact, the Foundation is a member of this community, along with others like the Packard and Tara Health Foundations, according to the group’s website.

Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters

Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters is also a recipient of Gates Foundation dollars. According to its website, RHM “promotes sexual and reproductive health and rights globally.” The SRMH Journal recently called it “worrisome” that 13 states in the US sought to restrict access to abortion during the COVID-19 pandemic by categorizing abortion providers as nonessential.

The abortion industry has always relied on billionaire support of abortion and population control, and Bill Gates and his Gates Foundation are just one of many willing to prop up organizations that commit, fund, and promote abortion. See more about those billionaires in the video below:


Abortion is not health care. If Bill Gates is serious about saving lives, then he should defund the predatory, eugenicist abortion industry and help to shut it down forever.

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