Media Advisory
For Immediate Release
Feb. 04, 2025
Noah Brandt
VP, Communications
EXCLUSIVE: First Sit-Down Interview After Prison Release—Pardoned Pro-Life Activist Bevelyn Williams Speaks with Lila Rose
Washington, D.C. — Lila Rose, president and founder of the national pro-life organization Live Action, sits down with the recently pardoned pro-life activist Bevelyn Willaims, who was released last week from jail after President Trump signed an executive order pardoning her and 22 other activists.
The Live Action Exclusive interview includes Rose and Williams discussing her childhood, tireless pro-life work, and experience in jail away from her husband and young daughter. Williams had been in prison since October 16, 2024, after being sentenced to three years in Federal Prison by President Biden’s Department of Justice.
“I’m ecstatic, and I’m just so grateful to be home and be free,” said Williams. “But I’m still trying to recover from everything. It’s just a lot. Wow, thank God [President Trump] won. I would have still been in prison. I would have been away from my daughter until she was five. Now, I want him to influence Congress and get Congress to agree that life starts at conception. I feel like once we can get that grasp on life starting at conception, and we could start making legislation based on that, that’s going to preserve the nation, that’s going to preserve America, and that is going to change the paradigm of the way our country is going to go.”
In response, Rose said, “I think the pardoning of you and the prisoners was such an incredible, wonderful thing. And there have been a few more executive orders since, such as the Mexico City Policy and two Biden pro-abortion orders that were rescinded to stop the federal government from funding abortion overseas. But Planned Parenthood is still getting a ton of money through Medicaid right now, and abortion is still totally legal federally. So, there limitliess opportunities to protect life.”
Watch the full interview on Live Action’s YouTube channel.
About Lila Rose and Live Action – Lila Rose founded and serves as president of Live Action. Live Action is a 501(c)3 human rights non-profit and the digital leader of the global pro-life movement. Live Action exists today to shift public opinion against abortion and to defend the rights of the most vulnerable. With over 7 million social media followers and 2.3 billion lifetime video views, Live Action reaches individuals 75 million times per month– saving lives and transforming hearts, with 43% of surveyed followers saying Live Action’s content has changed their position against abortion. Through compelling educational media, human interest storytelling, investigative reporting, and community activism, Live Action reveals the humanity of preborn children and exposes the abortion industry’s exploitation of women and families for profit. Lila is also the author of Fighting for Life: Becoming a Force for Change in a Wounded World. Find Lila on Twitter at @lilagracerose, and Instagram at @lilaroseofficial, and Facebook at @lilagracerose. Find out more at
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