According to new data, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) that offer women’s health services (minus abortion) combined with pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) outnumber Planned Parenthood facilities by a factor of 14 to 1. The data comes from the Real Choices website created by the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI), the pro-life research arm of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America (SBAPLA).
The Lozier website identified more than 5,300 federally funded health clinics that provide comprehensive care to vulnerable populations and advertise women’s health services. These centers are in addition to the more than 2,700 pregnancy centers in the U.S. as of July 2022, the majority of which offer limited medical services along with other material goods and services. When combined, CLI reports a total of 8,056 total centers, described by CLI as “better women’s service providers in the US,” which outnumber the 585 Planned Parenthood locations (identified by CLI) by more than 14 to 1.

Better women’s providers FQHCs and pregnancy Resource Centers outnumber Planned Parenthood (Map: Charlotte Lozier Institute, CLI)
Pregnancy centers are typically privately funded, the CLI website states, adding that PRCs are focused on supporting pregnant women with medical care and referrals, education, mentoring, and material support at virtually no cost to the client. The majority of PRC funds come from donors, although some centers receive minimal taxpayer support.
In contrast, CLI wrote that Planned Parenthood received over $600 million in government funding in 2019 and “focuses on abortion, reaching its highest-ever number of over 350,000 U.S. abortions in 2019.”
A state-by-state comparison of Planned Parenthood’s to Federally Qualified Health Centers that advertise women’s health services combined with PRCs may vary — but the image below reveals just how insignificant Planned Parenthood actually is for women’s health care.

State by State FQHCs and Pregnancy Resource Centers that offer womens services compared to Planned Parenthood (Image: Charlotte Lozier Institute, CLI)
Live Action News has previously documented that, as of 2021, just 3% of women of reproductive age in the U.S. go to Planned Parenthood. In addition, despite the claim that people of color are at higher risk of maternal mortality, data from Planned Parenthood indicates that less than .01% of the population of all Black or African-Americans and .008% of the population of Black or African-Americans in combination with another race utilize any Planned Parenthood service.
READ: SHOCK: Just 3% of women of reproductive age in the U.S. go to Planned Parenthood
Prenatal Care v. Planned Parenthood
As of 2019, data indicates that Planned Parenthood likely provided only a tiny fraction of a percent (.0004%) of prenatal services in the United States. In fact, prenatal care has been on the decline at Planned Parenthood even as its abortion numbers continue to increase year after year.
In 2019, Planned Parenthood recorded 8,626 prenatal services while FQHC’s served 583,328 prenatal patients that same year and 551,990 in 2020. Yet, an analysis of Planned Parenthood’s 2009-2010 annual report through its most recent 2019-2020 report — reveals that over the span of a decade, Planned Parenthood provided a total of just 200,530 prenatal services. During that same time, they committed nearly four million abortions.
A 2020 survey of all U.S. abortion businesses (not just Planned Parenthood) revealed that just 18% offered any kind of prenatal and/or obstetric care.
FQHCs did six times as many Pap tests as Planned Parenthood
In 2021, Live Action News also documented that Federally Qualified Health Centers provided over six times the number of Pap tests that Planned Parenthood reported in their latest report (PP recorded 272,990 Pap tests, FQHCs performed 1,809,082), an average of nearly two million Pap tests each year. In fact, data from Planned Parenthood’s 2019-2020 report reveals that nationally, Planned Parenthood provides less than one percent of U.S. Pap tests to women and in that same time period the organization did not perform mammograms and only provided manual breast exams. But, there too, FQHCs top what Planned Parenthood offered, providing 823,312 mammograms in 2019 while Planned Parenthood recorded 269,669 manual breast exams.
While PRC medical care may vary by location, they all offer free services to pregnant women to assist them in giving birth to and providing for their babies. A CLI study on the impact of pro-life pregnancy resource centers published in 2020 found that these centers served nearly 2 million people in 2019, saving communities nearly $270 million. Services included material assistance, which CLI valued at almost $27 million. Live Action News previously documented how PRCs are operated by more than 69,000 pro-life staffers and volunteers, and medical services are provided there by 10,000 licensed medical workers. PRCs are growing in number — and as of 2021, they outnumbered all abortion facilities nationally by a 3-to-1 margin.
In contrast, Planned Parenthood fails to actually help women who choose to have their babies. As Live Action News previously reported, the name Planned Parenthood implies that “parenthood” might be something the organization promotes, but for many years, Planned Parenthood’s business model has centered around the sale of one service: abortion. The organization even gives disparaging information about pro-life pregnancy resource centers, discouraging women from visiting these non-profit organizations which offer pregnancy testing, STD testing, ultrasounds, baby needs, parenting classes, job assistance, and more to pregnant women and their families for free.
A closer look at Planned Parenthood reveals the organization’s disdain for pregnant women, specifically their own pregnant staffers, who recently exposed the organization’s abysmal treatment of and discrimination against pregnant employees. The details, published in 2018 by the New York Times in a stunning exposé, revealed that Planned Parenthood “employers saw accommodating expecting mothers as expensive and inconvenient. Others were unsympathetic to workers seeking special treatment. According to current and former Planned Parenthood employees in California, Texas, North Carolina, and New York, “[M]anagers in some locations declined to hire pregnant job candidates, refused requests by expect[ant] mothers to take breaks and in some cases pushed them out of their jobs after they gave birth,” in clear violation of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which “provides certain employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year.”
Planned Parenthood is an abortion corporation, and their eye opening data reveals that between October 2018 and October 2019, nearly one out of every six female clients that visited Planned Parenthood had an abortion. In 2019-2020, Planned Parenthood committed 41 abortions for every one prenatal care service and 133 abortions for every adoption referral, ending the lives of 354,871 children that year alone. Planned Parenthood is responsible for the deaths of 972 preborn children daily, over 41 preborn babies every hour — one killed every 89 seconds.
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