
Planned Parenthood statistics reveal how little the Black community uses its ‘services’

people of color protesting

According to Planned Parenthood’s political action arm, Planned Parenthood Action Fund (PPACT), Planned Parenthood sees 400,000 clients every year from the Black community. This represents nearly 17% of the 2.4 million patients the abortion corporation claims to see annually in its roughly 600 affiliate centers.

However, what’s most interesting about this number is how tiny of a fraction of the Black community it represents — demonstrating that the Black community actually does not need Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood offers Black community little in way of actual care

Planned Parenthood has been on a marketing campaign to better its racist image within the African-American community (despite hiring only a handful of Black CEOs for their many affiliates), which might explain why it is now publishing these numbers. But, in reality, the largest abortion corporation in the nation offers little in the way of health care to the Black community.

According to, “In 2020, the Black or African American alone population (41.1 million) accounted for 12.4% of all people living in the United States.” They added that, “Coupled with the 5.8 million respondents who identified as Black or African American in combination with another race group, such as White or American Indian and Alaska Native, the Black or African American alone or in combination population totaled 46.9 million people (14.2% of the total population) in 2020.”

This means that Planned Parenthood “serves” less than .01% of the population of Black or African-Americans and .008% of the population of Black or African-Americans in combination with another race.

Should Planned Parenthood publish details of abortion, contraception, prenatal or other services by gender and race, this could shed even more light on the proportion of services they provide to members of the Black community, but it is not likely this will ever happen.

Image: Planned Parenthood sees 400K Black clients a year (Image: PPACT)

Planned Parenthood’s Black clients total 400K a year (Image: PPACT)

Planned Parenthood’s own staffers recently acknowledged the organization’s racist roots, forcing the abortion corporation to admit they have had a systemic racism problem for decades, covered up by a complicit media despite years of exposure by pro-life organizations. Abortion is tethered to eugenics, and the CDC’s 2019 data confirms that communities of color, which have a disproportionate number of abortions, are still being targeted for eugenic abortions.

Planned Parenthood has not previously broken down its clients by race in reports, so the calculation of Black clients the organization now admits to seeing each year is somewhat new.

Despite the admission, the organization failed to detail what services they provide by race, and instead claimed on its website that “Black women are more likely to have serious complications resulting from pregnancy.” Yet Planned Parenthood focuses little on prenatal care, with only “some” of its facilities offering this service, while the organization is heavily focused on ensuring abortion access

A previous Live Action investigation found that out of 97 Planned Parenthood facilities contacted, only five said they offered any type of service to mothers who wanted to carry their babies to term (prenatal care). Nearly every Planned Parenthood staffer plainly told investigators they did not offer prenatal services at Planned Parenthood.

After the release of Live Action’s investigation, Planned Parenthood purged its websites of references to prenatal care. Not long after, additional women reached out to various Planned Parenthood facilities, many in their local communities, and confirmed Live Action’s findings. Former Planned Parenthood managers have even stated that in their experience, Planned Parenthood actually had nothing to offer pregnant women besides abortion.


Planned Parenthood prenatal care decreases while abortions increase year after year

In the mid-to-late 1990s, Planned Parenthood suggested in an annual report that prenatal care was its “fastest-growing area” — but today, the tune has drastically changed. Prenatal care at Planned Parenthood has been on the decline even as its abortion numbers continue to increase year after year. Over the span of a decade — the corporation’s 2009-2010 annual report through its most recent 2019-2020 report — Planned Parenthood provided a total of 200,530 prenatal services. That is 200,000 over a span of 11 years. During that same time frame, Planned Parenthood committed nearly four million abortions.

Planned Parenthood’s abortion numbers

Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of abortions in the nation, committing 354,871 abortions over the course of just one year (based on the organization’s latest annual report from 2019-2020).  The abortion corporation holds nearly 40% of the abortion market share in the nation, when compared to Guttmacher’s latest national abortion data published in June of 2022. While Planned Parenthood has not updated its annual report since 2019-2020, Live Action News estimates that between 2010 and 2019, Planned Parenthood committed 3,325,259 of the nearly 9.5 million U.S. abortions reported through 2020 (the Guttmacher Institute did not release abortion data for 2018 in their latest report).

Image: Planned Parenthood abortion taxpayer excess revenue past decade 2010 to 2019 Updated June 2022 (Graph: Live Action News)

Planned Parenthood abortion taxpayer excess revenue past decade 2010 to 2019 Updated June 2022 (Graph: Live Action News)

Nationally, Black women have highest abortion percentage, rate, and ratio

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) 2019 abortion surveillance report showed that Black women had the highest abortion percentage, rate, and ratio. The data also indicated that while Black Americans made up just 12.2% of the population, they accounted for 38.4% of the abortions. Some believe this is by design, due to decades of eugenic targeting by Planned Parenthood and others in the abortion and eugenics movement.

CDC data on race and ethnicity were gathered from 30 reporting areas, making it limited in scope. Twenty-two (22) areas were excluded (California, Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York City, New York State, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin). Some of these areas are known to have very high numbers of abortions.

In 2019, while the percentage of abortions among white women fell (38.7% in 2018 to 33.4% of all reported abortions in 2019), the percent of abortions among Black women increased over 14% (when comparing raw numbers of Black abortions year to year), and increased from 33.6% of all reported abortions in 2018 to 38.4% of all reported abortions in 2019 — the highest percentage reported in several years.

Live Action News previously documented that:

  • Black Americans made up 12.2% of the population but accounted for 38.4% of abortions, for an *estimated 241,880 abortions in 2019.
  • A total of 548,075 Black births were recorded in the US in 2019, with an average of nearly 1,502 Black babies born daily.
  • In 2019, there were 23.8 abortions per 1,000 Black women aged 15–44 years, and 386 abortions per 1,000 live births.
  • Black abortion rate was nearly 3.6 times higher than white abortion rate (23.8 v. 6.6) and twice as high as Hispanic abortion rate (23.8 v 11.7).
  • Black abortion ratio was more than 3.3 times higher than white abortion ratio (386 v. 117) and more than 2.25 times higher than Hispanic abortion ratio (386 v. 170).
  • Black abortions in 2019 outnumbered top eight leading causes of death (239,241) for Black Americans in 2018 combined (2019 cause of death data is not yet available).
  • Black abortion numbers (estimated) were over 25 times greater than homicides committed on Black Americans (241,880 v. 9,608) in 2018.
  • While the CDC has not broken down abortions by race for 2017, we estimate that in the past decade (2010to 2019), nearly 2.2 million Black babies lost their lives due to abortion.
  • An estimated 663 abortions were committed on Black women each day. (estimates are based on total reported abortions multiplied by the percentage of abortions by race reported.)

In addition, Live Action News has also documented that Black women accounted for most abortions committed later in pregnancy.

Image: Black abortions past decade estimated (2010-2016 and 2018-2019) CDC (Chart: Live Action News)

Black abortions past decade estimated (2010-2016 and 2018-2019) CDC (Chart: Live Action News)

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