Vice News recently published the story of a Texas woman pressured into an abortion. Referred to only as “A,” she is the...
A premature baby who was so small at birth that she weighed the same as a loaf of bread has made a...
Having a preemie is a stressful and emotional time for the families. Most preemies have to spend time in the neonatal intensive...
A little boy is alive today thanks to a life-saving surgery that took place when he was a newborn. After suffering four...
A family in Illinois is celebrating in a big way now that their 18-month-old preemie is finally able to go home after...
(Right to Life UK) — A baby born four months early in Singapore, weighing only 212g at birth, is now a healthy...
A Connecticut couple who had to delay their wedding plans due to their daughter’s unexpected premature arrival decided to tie the knot...
Teachers Lindsay and Tyler Staup are used to celebrating the 100th day of school with their students each year, and recently drew...
One woman from North Carolina is recovering at home and enjoying life with her newborn after a wild hospital experience that included...
A premature baby born at 24 weeks and weighing just one pound is going home, after spending 160 days in the NICU....
Doctors at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta are utilizing a groundbreaking procedure to help give premature babies a better shot at survival. The...
One of the smallest premature babies born at an Australian hospital had a secret weapon that helped him survive: his mother’s music....
Twenty-seven years, ago Marcus Mosley was born prematurely at just 26 weeks. Last month, he graduated from the CUNY School of Medicine...
A premature baby boy with a rare genetic condition has been discharged from the hospital shortly before his first birthday. According to...