The rise of telemedicine abortions during the COVID-19 pandemic has led to increased health risks for women who take the abortion pill. Though abortion advocates continue to claim that the abortion pill is safe and restrictions on its use are unnecessary, there is mounting evidence that women are suffering from the abortion industry’s desire to expand its reach into areas where brick-and-mortar facilities are unsustainable.
According to the website AuntMinnie, research published July 27 in the journal Contraception claimed that a woman’s safety is not compromised if she does not receive a pre-abortion ultrasound prior to receiving an abortion pill prescription via telemedicine using a “no-test” protocol. However, the researchers also stated that women who undergo telemedicine abortions are more likely to require post-abortion care and health interventions — such as a follow-up surgical abortion.
“Compared with patients who had preabortion ultrasound, patients who had no-test medication abortion via telemedicine were more likely to have abortions that were not complete with pills alone and unplanned clinical encounters,” wrote the team, led by Holly Anger from pro-abortion Gyniuty Health Projects. “However, both no-test and test-medication abortion patients had similar and very low rates of ongoing pregnancy and hospitalization or blood transfusion.”
The study looked at data from 287 women who had no ultrasound or exam before taking the abortion pill and 125 women who received a pre-abortion ultrasound or pelvic exam prior to taking the abortion pill. Sixteen of the women who did not have an exam or ultrasound had incomplete abortions and required a surgical abortion compared to only two of the women who did have an exam or ultrasound. However, no ectopic pregnancies were discovered in any of the women — which is a major contributor to serious abortion complications in women who take the abortion pill without an ultrasound to rule out the condition.
While the researchers feel that these study results support the continued use of telemedicine abortion, they also called for more “rigorous” research into the dispensing of the abortion pill via telemedicine in order to ensure the consequences of telemedicine abortion are understood.
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Under the FDA’s REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy) protocol put in place in 2000, the abortion pill had to be dispensed by a certified prescriber at an approved hospital or clinic in order to ensure women’s safety. The abortion pill has been found to be four times more dangerous to a woman than a first-trimester surgical abortion. However, in order to continue selling abortions during the COVID-19 pandemic, the abortion industry was given the green light to dispense the abortion pill without first examining women. In the UK, this had deadly consequences.
The Biden-Harris administration is currently reviewing the suspended FDA rules to determine if the safety protocol will be reinstated or abandoned at the expense of women’s safety and to the benefit of the abortion industry.
Editor’s Note: For information on abortion pill reversal, visit
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