In 2003, 15-year-old Lila Rose decided to expose abortion for what it truly is: the brutal and mass slaughtering of now millions of preborn human beings, and Live Action was born. Along with her friends, Rose began giving pro-life presentations and by 2006 she was going undercover inside abortion facilities to capture the truth on camera. She was just 18 years old.
Now, nearly 17 years since its founding, Live Action has grown into one of the largest pro-life organizations and news sources in the United States, influencing and educating an entire generation of pro-lifers. 2019 was the nonprofit organization’s biggest year yet, with the release of new educational videos, a large celebration of life, and most importantly, countless lives saved from abortion.
Top 10 Live Action Highlights of 2019
1. Lives Saved
The ultimate mission of Live Action is to save lives from abortion. Through education, Live Action and Live Action News spread awareness of life inside the womb and of what abortion is and does. By doing so, Live Action continues to save lives from abortion. Two women shared their stories in 2019 of how Live Action’s work saved their children’s lives.
Autumn told Live Action that she came across Live Action News’ touching article about a woman named Audrey who had become pregnant from an affair. Despite the challenges she would face, Audrey chose life for her baby. Autumn had also become pregnant during an affair. She was terrified and she turned to God, whom she said gave her peace through Audrey’s story. Autumn and her husband were able to come together to keep their family intact and raise the new baby together.

Photo via Autumn
A young woman named Grace also reached out to Live Action in 2019, crediting Live Action videos with equipping her with the right information to help save a set of twins from abortion. Grace thanked Live Action, sharing that a 15-year-old girl who was planning to abort contacted her to talk. Grace was able to share Live Action videos with the scared teen who decided to keep her baby girls with the help of a local pregnancy center.

Twins saved through the help of Live Action’s videos
READ: Top Ten: The most popular Live Action News posts of 2019
2. Hearts and Minds Changed
Throughout 2019, Live Action followers shared how through videos and articles, the pro-life organization has moved them to become pro-life.
“[Y]ou have helped me change my mind on abortion and i thank you so much,” wrote one Live Action supporter. “[…] for the longest time I was pro choice, but after seeing ur posts, i know that every life deserves a chance….”
Another Live Action supporter wrote, “… people should definitely be forced to watch this video before an abortion I’m sorry I am definitely no longer pro choice it’s murder.”
“I have always been pro choice but after seeing this video I would have to say I am now pro life,” said another supporter. “Tears are running down my face as I watched this.”
3. Largest Online Following for The Pro-Life Movement
Live Action is the digital media leader for the pro-life movement. In 2019, Live Action reached an all-time high for its reach on social media. According to a 2019 Live Action survey, more than 25 percent of respondents said a Live Action video or Live Action News article changed their position on abortion. Over 28 percent said someone they knew changed their position on abortion because of Live Action content. Almost 97 percent said Live Action content strengthened their already pro-life convictions.
With over four million followers across social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, Live Action has the largest following of pro-life organizations, establishing itself as the biggest social media influencer in the pro-life movement.
Live Action has been creating videos to educate society on abortion and the abortion industry for over a decade.
In 2019, Live Action videos reached an astounding 840 million views. Each of those videos has helped to change the hearts and minds of people who have considered themselves pro-choice and have helped inspire silent pro-lifers to speak out against abortion. Every time one of Live Action’s videos is shared, it opens up the opportunity for lives to be saved from abortion.
4. Staying on the cutting edge of social media platforms to reach younger generations
Consistent with our focus on reaching young people of reproductive age with the brutal reality of abortion, Live Action joined the brand new TikTok platform in September.
Our follower demographic on TikTok is the youngest of any social media platform, with two-thirds of users under the age of thirty. Our innovative strategies have resulted in a substantial following of over 16,000 in less than six months.
5. Launch of Pro-life Replies Videos
2019 also saw the release of Live Action’s educational “Pro-Life Replies” video series featuring pro-life responses to pro-choice arguments, including how to reply to “My Body, My Choice,” “No One Knows When Life Begins,” “Abortion in Cases of Rape,” and “Abortion Can Be Medically Necessary.” The videos have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times and have helped to educate pro-lifers on how to best respond when speaking with those in favor of abortion.
6. “Subverted” Videos Released
Sue Ellen Browder, author of the book “Subverted: How I Helped the Sexual Revolution Hijack the Women’s Movement,” spoke with Lila Rose, sharing the details of how pro-abortion men forced the battle for “abortion rights” onto the women’s movement of the 1960s. Browder, a trained investigative journalist who was a writer for Cosmopolitan Magazine, told Rose that under the influence of abortionist Dr. Bernard Nathanson (who would eventually become pro-life) and his NARAL co-founder Larry Lader, Betty Friedan became convinced that abortion should be part of the women’s movement’s agenda, which would eventually lead to a split in the National Organization for Women (NOW). Subverted exposes the secrets and lies that led to the push for legalized abortion.
7. Social Media Censorship Battle
Live Action’s work is so effective that social media pages such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, which are run by abortion advocates, have stooped to censorship in order to block the pro-life message.
Live Action has been banned from advertising on Twitter for four years, and Facebook has hidden and removed Live Action content in order to stop the pro-life organization from sharing the truth about abortion. Facebook’s “fact check” Live Action was overseen by abortionists, a move that even Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg called “clearly biased.” In addition, Pinterest permanently suspended Live Action in June after placing the pro-life group on its “porn” block list. YouTube has been suppressing Live Action’s videos since December 2018, labeling the group’s content as “inappropriate.” Meanwhile, the abortion industry giant Planned Parenthood is able to advertise without censorship.
Live Action fought back against this censorship in 2019 with cease and desist letters and a visit to the White House for a summit in July regarding online censorship at which founder Lila Rose said, “This double-standard and bias is a growing problem in big tech, even though they say that they are politically neutral and that they don’t discriminate.”
8. Inaugural Life Awards Gala
On November 16th, Live Action hosted its inaugural Life Awards Gala featuring prominent pro-life speakers and activists. The winners of the first-ever Live Action “Life Awards” included Ben Shapiro, the Editor in Cheif of The Daily Wire and Host of The Ben Shapiro Show, NFL tight-end and pro-life advocate Benjamin Watson and his wife Kirsten who was featured in Live Action’s “Pro-Life Replies to Pro-Choice Arguments” video, and Gianna Jessen, an international pro-life leader and abortion survivor. Founder of The Table Group and New York Times best-selling author Pat Lencioni also spoke at the event.
9. Lila Rose speaks at the United Nations
Rose also spoke at the United Nations in April at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Rose told the representatives present that the abortion industry uses “right to choose” and other phrases and words that “were invented to carefully mislead people.”
“If everybody here agrees, and I think they do, that it is never right to intentionally take an innocent human life, it’s never right to intentionally take an innocent human life,” she said. “And if we know there is a life in the womb, and he or she is innocent, and an abortion intentionally ends her life, then it is never right to commit an abortion.”
10. YOU!
Our readers and supporters, we are so grateful for you! None of Live Action’s work exposing the abortion industry and educating the public would be possible without your support. People like you giving just $5 and $10 monthly make articles like the ones that you read here on Live Action News possible.
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