Days after abortionist Ulrich “George” Klopfer’s death on September 3, 2019, his family found the remains of 2,246 aborted children stored in his home. On October 9, another 165 remains were found in a car belonging to Klopher. As shocking as the news was, the world was more fixated on the fact that he kept the bodies than on the fact that he had killed thousands of preborn children. Now, women are coming forward with the horrific stories of how Klopher treated them during their abortions.
“He was very quick about it. He didn’t want to know your name. He didn’t want to offer any kind of advice or counsel. He just came in, did what he wanted to do, and then he left,” Kelly Bowker told WANE, dispelling the pro-abortion myth that an abortion is a decision between a woman and her doctor. She had an abortion committed by Klopher when she was 17.
Jessica Bowne, who underwent an abortion with Klopfer at age 18 said he ignored her cries. “It was excruciating,” she said. “It was so painful… I begged him and asked to stop. I started screaming and crying and I said, ‘Please stop, I don’t want to do this anymore,’ and he looked at the nurse and told her to keep me quiet because I was going to scare the other patients.” Bowne said the nurse covered her mouth to silence her.
Abby Whitt, who also had an abortion with Klopfer at age 18 tells a similar story. “At one point I was crying and screaming because of the pain and the trauma and he told me to shut up and stop crying. I just remember being scared of him. I don’t think he cared about the patients at all,” she said.
At the age of just 13, Serena Dyksen was brought to Klopfer for an abortion after she was raped by someone she knew. She was, unsurprisingly, left traumatized by both experiences, as many rape victims attest to.
“I was so weak. When I stood up blood just went everywhere. So my dad had to carry me out. I was so weak and I was busted, and I was 13,” she said. “It was a horrible, horrible pain. He yelled at me because I was yelling in pain and there was just no care, no compassion at all. He was just a very nasty man. Even afterwards when I went to recover I ended up hemorrhaging everywhere and he never came back in to even check on me. He just sent me home.”
Another woman, who remains anonymous, nearly died at the hands of Klopfer. He failed to complete her abortion, leaving pieces of her dismembered preborn child inside her uterus. A doctor in her town – Dr. Geoff Cly – had to perform emergency surgery to remove her uterus and he eventually became Klopfer’s emergency backup doctor so he could help the women Klopfer had maimed.
“She was so sick and her uterus was so infected with bacteria with pieces of the tissue of baby left inside that the antibiotics didn’t work,” Cly testified to the Indiana state senate according to WANE. “We had to do surgery eventually and we had to take her uterus out. So this young woman could never have children anymore. So I was, as a doctor, I was upset.”
Klopfer committed as many as 50,000 abortions in his career but would eventually lose his medical license. The allegations against him included failing to report the abortions of underage girls as required by law, failure to have qualified staff on hand when patients received and recovered from pain medications, and failing to provide reasonable care to his patients. Despite this, pro-choicers stood by him.
The women he injured had their emotional wounds reopened after the news that he had kept over 2,000 fetal remains. “I saw Klopfer’s face on T.V. and it just all came back,” said Rachel Kelly, who had an abortion at age 22 with Klopfer. “I never thought I’d see his face again. Then I saw about the babies in his garage and I just had this very vivid flashback of him looking me in the eyes that day and I thought oh my gosh, did you take it home? Why did you do this and what kind of person are you?”
Whitt had a similar reaction, telling WANE: “Just instantly I thought, ‘oh my gosh, what if one of those babies is mine? It was like a wound was ripped back open…”
READ: ‘Blood was pouring out of her’: Woman dies after abortionist cancels ambulance
In an article for Save the 1, Dyksen said she suffered greatly after her abortion, turning to alcohol and drugs to numb the pain. When she saw the story of the fetal remains on the news she said she went numb.
“I questioned why he had kept their remains and I realized they were probably trophies to him. My child’s dead body was his trophy. The grief was overwhelming,” she wrote.
Klopfer was and is not alone in his poor and cruel treatment of women and his disregard for the respect of the remains of their children. In 1982, 17,000 aborted babies were found in a repossessed storage container in Los Angeles. Babies’ remains are often thrown into medical waste, kept in jars and jugs, stored in cars, and tossed into dumpsters. Planned Parenthood found a way to make money off of the fetal remains by selling them to researchers – illegally.
Abortion facilities injure women on a consistent basis but try to hide that from the media by requesting that ambulances arrive at the back door and don’t use their sirens. Women are dying from legal abortion, but no one pays attention. When an abortion facility is at risk of losing its license, they double down and call it an attack on women’s rights, burying the information that shows how dangerous, selfish and greedy they are.
Abortionists like Klopfer are committing abortions and injuring women right at this moment, but the world turns a blind eye to the atrocities being committed, as the media hides them in plain sight behind the words “reproductive rights.” When society learns of an abortionist keeping fetal remains, it shouldn’t come as a shock that someone with so little regard for human life would be capable of such a thing.
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