Last week, actress Megan Fox appeared on Jimmy Kimmel’s talk show to discuss (among other things) her pregnancy, but despite her multiple...
The Keepers of the Official Abortion Narrative hold that absolutely nobody likes abortion, that every single woman who gets one would of...
A recent episode of the popular CBS sitcom “The Big Bang Theory” has drawn attention in pro-life circles for featuring a high-profile...
Last fall, we discussed an episode of the ABC political drama Scandal that made waves by having main character Olivia Pope abort...
Larry Wilmore, John Oliver, and Trevor Noah have been using their TV shows to follow the Jon Stewart model of propaganda: feed...
“Powerful.” “Thought-provoking.” “Done her part.” The pro-abortion press has anointed actress Amy Brenneman their new heroine-of-the-week for penning a Cosmopolitan essay that...
Last seen declaring that it incites violence to accurately describe Planned Parenthood’s activities, comedian Larry Wilmore is now turning his smug propagandizing...
The most interesting thing about NARAL’s freakout over the Doritos Super Bowl commercial depicting a hungry baby on an ultrasound is how...
The Daily Show’s reputation as a vehicle for Generation Y to speak truth to power was never true, but its latest bit...
Abortion is an ugly, horrifying subject, and as such, conversations about it don’t typically lend themselves to humor. Sometimes, however, the cruelty...
Pro-abortion activists have been utterly shameless in tripping over themselves to exploit and politicize the Thanksgiving weekend shooting at a Colorado Springs...
In response to my piece on ABC’s abortion-promoting episode of Scandal last week, a commenter suggested that pro-lifers’ condemnation of the show...
A “Brave & Unprecedented,” “truly awesome” move that “Just Changed TV Forever” – Nicole Pomarico, Bustle Viewers “stunned” – Emily Yahr, Washington...
It really, really bothers abortion supporters that the rest of the world won’t drink the Kool-Aid they’re peddling. At Salon, Danielle Campoamor complains that...