Time magazine recently shared a portion of a new memoir from Paris Hilton, titled “Paris: The Memoir,” which delves into the decisions she’s...
In April, Nicholas Maggipinto and Corey Briskin — a married gay couple — filed a lawsuit, along with the U.S. Equal Employment...
On June 10, Pope Francis spoke out against several issues that he considers to be threats to humanity, including pornography and surrogacy....
Bravo star Andy Cohen appeared on an episode of Sirius XM’s “Jeff Lewis Live” on June 6, during which he spoke about...
Nova Scotia is now the first Canadian province to offer a tax rebate for infertility treatments and surrogacy-related expenses. The Nova Scotia...
Robert Abela, the prime minister of Malta, one of the most pro-life nations in the world, said on Monday that he believes...
When struggling to have children, many couples today turn to the fertility industry for help; accordingly, the use of IVF and surrogacy...
So many of us have the deep desire to have biological children of our own. It’s what drives hundreds of thousands of...
A fertility clinic is under fire for offering a Black Friday discount on its surrogacy and fertility packages — essentially offering deals...
In 2019, a couple decided to order DNA kits as a fun family activity with their two sons. However, their 23andMe results...
A new plan unveiled by UNICEF’s Executive Board endorses sexual autonomy for children, including access to birth control and abortion. For the...
Surrogacy — the use of another woman’s womb to gestate a child for someone else — is controversial for many reasons, not...