In his 1968 book, “The Population Bomb,” Dr. Paul Ehrlich made a number of doomsday predictions, but has a poor batting average at...
On July 11, World Population Day, the United Nations (UN) issued its latest World Population Prospects report, predicting a global population peak...
Ever since Paul Ehrlich’s needlessly alarmist 1968 book “The Population Bomb“ triggered a worldwide panic over alleged global overpopulation, individuals, organizations, and...
The overpopulation myth has continued to spread, as people worry that climate change and human reproduction will destroy the planet. More and...
A Portland-based organization urging people not to have children has gone national. Stop Having Kids gained local notoriety with billboards erected in...
A recently-published paper in the Journal of Economic Perspectives pushes back against the common claim that economic factors — like the cost of child...
During a recent discussion about population control, a UK House of Lords member seemed to suggest that people with large families — including...
A recent New York Times article, in a rather callous manner, posed a controversial question: to breed, or not to breed? In...
Prince William has spoken out about the loss of wildlife in Africa, blaming the human population of the continent and stating that...
Shortly ahead of the upcoming elections and as part of an ongoing national conversation about population control, India’s most heavily populated state,...
For International Women’s Day, Hillary Clinton recently spoke at the UN calling for a right to abortion and making development money contingent...