The latest pro-abortion attempt to score political points with the Orlando terrorist attack is less of a reach than Jodi Jacobson’s, but...
There’s so much pro-abortion propaganda cluttering the web that try as we might, sometimes something slips through the cracks. But there’s no...
Blac Chyna has found fame in her modeling career, her engagement to Rob Kardashian, and now also for sharing the Instagram image...
It’s hardly breaking news that abortion is a humungous blind spot for many who picture themselves champions of a more compassionate, enlightened...
Sarah Silverman, the alleged comedian who thinks prenatal human beings are “goo” and defends Planned Parenthood with literally the same arguments Nazi...
Shonda Rhimes’ musings on keeping Dad in the dark about aborting his kids weren’t the only bit of pseudo-wisdom Hollywood’s contributed to...
It’s a sad day for facts in America when even the communications director of a major pro-abortion organization has no clue about what’s really...
In a head-scratching piece at the Huffington Post, Miranda Blue attempts to paint The Center for Medical Progress’s David Daleiden, the man behind the undercover...
To say it’s logically tricky to reconcile support for abortion with Christian religiosity would be an understatement. Pro-abortion Catholics like Joe Biden...
Following Dr. Ben Carson’s strong stand for life over the weekend on Meet the Press, the Huffington Post is attacking the presidential...
Over the past couple of days, the Internet has been buzzing with reporting over how Lena Dunham will dress up as a...
In a new viral video starring Bill Nye, the famed “Science Guy” declares that laws protecting “unborn people” are “based on ignorance”...
Back in January, Bill Nye the Science Guy broke many a pro-life millennial’s heart when he outed himself as a particularly unscientific...
(RedAlertPolitics) – If you turn to the mainstream networks for your news, you likely wouldn’t know that the House Judiciary Committee last...