BBC Bitesize, a free online educational platform, is offered to students throughout the United Kingdom by the BBC. This support service is...
A hacker was able to retrieve thousands of files, including the faces of an estimated 5,000 Uyghurs held in concentration camps in...
While on a family vacation at an Airbnb in Scotland with her husband and son in June 2021, Alex Clayton of England...
The BBC is reporting that more than 1,300 patients each year in England are losing their palliative care funding from the National...
The Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to have tragic consequences, as the bombing of a hospital has led to the death of...
A newborn baby boy is reportedly doing well after airport officers rescued the child from the trash bin of an airplane bathroom. ...
Women continue to suffer after the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, including negative changes in how women are allowed to give birth. According...
Margaret, a post-abortive woman, told her abortion story in a 2007 BBC article, explaining that she was lied to about her baby. When...
According to the BBC, the British channel island of Guernsey has liberalized its abortion law after politicians approved an extension on the...
Latin America’s ongoing Zika epidemic has renewed abortion debates in several countries. The Zika virus, which is still somewhat of a mystery...
Some observers have remarked that because the “bad guys” have already won the culture war in western European countries like Great Britain,...