
Do Coloradans know the evil they voted to continue?


It’s hard to believe something as horrific as abortion happens legally in our nation. In Colorado, as in many other states, it’s legal to slaughter children through all 40 weeks of pregnancy. On Tuesday, thanks to the profound efforts of pro-life activists, Colorado voters had the opportunity to protect children beginning at 22 weeks of pregnancy by voting to pass Proposition 115, a late-term abortion ban. But voters chose abortion over life, with a majority giving abortionists license to continue murdering the tiniest Coloradans at any point in pregnancy.

Many people refuse to believe that horrific late-term abortions are a reality in our nation. That’s why we see the phenomenon of so many Coloradans voting to keep abortion legal through all nine months. They assume that if late-term abortions even happen at all, they must not be bloody, gory or evil. They must be life-saving, humane, medical treatments. But nothing could be further from the truth. 

Warning: Some images in this article may be disturbing for readers.


Here’s a very simple fact to remember when you see the lie, over and over again, that abortion is “ok”: In every late-term abortion, the baby must be delivered. At that stage, the difference between an abortion and a live birth is that in abortion, the doctor is sure to kill the baby before birth. An abortion is an intentional, forced dead birth. The baby deserves to live. Let him or her be delivered alive. Place her for adoption if the biological parents are unable or unwilling to parent. No woman, no doctor, no politician has the right to slaughter her.

abortion, baby Toby, premature

Baby Toby, born at 24 weeks

Baby Toby, born at 24 weeks, survived premature birth with the medical attention, care, and love he deserved. Coloradans upheld the killing of babies like Toby. 

Think about what a late-term abortion really does to a woman. In a late-term abortion, she’s already been carrying her baby for several months, and can feel very likely him or her kicking. There is a natural bond there. Even if she’s been lied to, she knows deep down, this is a baby — her baby — bone of her bones and flesh of her flesh. 

Then she goes in for a late-term abortion, like at Warren Hern’s facility in Boulder, Colorado, where he kills babies into the ninth month of pregnancy. Why does she seek abortion? Fear, maybe. Maybe she doesn’t want to go through with an adoption because she feels she could never be okay with “giving away” her baby after birth. She was taught to fear adoption, so she is willing to let her baby be killed instead. It is possessiveness and selfishness. Or maybe she’s underage or abused, coerced by her own mother or boyfriend or abuser to have an abortion (like the many cases Live Action News has documented). Maybe she’s been told she’s too young to have a baby, and she’s afraid to stand up to the liars and abusers in her life. 

The common themes always include at least one these, if not multiple: Fear. Lies. Selfishness. Abuse. Coercion. 

READ: The media pretends 100,000 late-term abortions every year is no big deal. They’re wrong.

During the excruciating, multi-day late term abortion procedure, she is injected through the abdomen with the needle that pierces her baby’s heart and fills it with a chemical that causes cardiac arrest. Then she waits for the baby to die, likely feeling her baby’s movements as it was stabbed by the needle. Labor is then induced, which can take over a day. She will wait at home or in her car or a hotel. Then she goes into labor and births a dead baby. 


This is what abortion looks like when it’s committed on a child at 22 weeks and later. This is what Coloradans voted to keep legal in their state. If we cannot say no to this, can we say no to any injustice in our nation? If Colorado voters had seen these images, would they still have voted to sustain the slaughter?

Abortion victims

Can you imagine how psychologically and morally devastating this is for her?  She will be told the rest of her life it was her “choice.” She may try to justify and excuse it, she may never talk about it her whole life, or she may become a “women’s rights” activist and tell other women it was good for her and she’s proud of it. 

But deep down, where the truth is, she is shattered and broken. She knows what she did or was forced to do. She knows this little boy or girl deserved to live but was slaughtered like an animal instead.

There is so much hope for her if she is finally told the truth, or is finally honest with herself. That’s why education – bold, uncompromising education – is so important. She deserves to be angry at all the people who abused her or lied to her or abandoned her, including her baby’s father, if he refused to protect her and his child. She deserves to grieve the loss of her baby. She deserves help to process the trauma. And she needs forgiveness, from the only one who can really forgive: God. God’s mercy is endlessly great for all of our sins. She can be healed and free, and become a voice for truth and love. 

There are many healing resources available to women whose children have been killed in abortion. Rachel’s Vineyard, Silent No More, and Surrendering The Secret are all worthy organizations helping grieving mothers. The National Hotline for Abortion Recovery is 866-482-5433.

We need to do our part. Share the truth – boldly and without compromise, but always with love and hope. We are fighting for her just like we are fighting for her child. 

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