It should be evident that without babies, the companies that produce and sell infant diapers wouldn’t have a customer base. Yet the nation’s largest and most widely used diaper brands are made by companies that have spoken out against the overturning of Roe v. Wade or have donated to abortion businesses, displaying their pro-abortion stance.
Coterie prides itself on providing “modern diapering essentials” including its products ‘The Diaper’ and ‘The Pant’. It markets its products as an “upgrade to your diapering routine” and says its “high-performing products are dermatologist-tested, hypoallergenic, free of 200+ chemicals, cruelty-free, and made with sustainably sourced plant-based materials” (emphasis added). All good things.
However, Coterie can’t call itself truly “cruelty-free” because it has thrown its support behind abortion, which it called “reproductive freedom.”
On June 24, 2022, the day Roe v. Wade was overturned, Coterie posted on Instagram, “In this moment, our team feels lost. This isn’t just a step back, this turns off the lights on reproductive freedom — no sight of what parents will do who face pregnancy complications, no sight of choice.”
It added, “Today, we commit to providing full financial support to employees who need access to reproductive healthcare, but can’t access it because of geographical or financial constraints. We will continue to support our parent-powered community in their right to safely be parents on their terms.”
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Once a woman is pregnant, she is already a parent. That isn’t a question. The question is whether or not she should be allowed to kill her preborn child through abortion. Coterie has shown that it thinks the answer is “Yes!”
While Coterie believes that animals should rightly be treated with compassion, the company fails to support the right of children to not be killed in the womb.
Abortion is always a cruel act. The abortion pill deprives the developing child of nutrients while a D&C abortion requires the use of a suction machine to tear the fragile new baby to pieces. In a D&E abortion (second trimester), the abortionist uses a clamp to tear the arms and legs off of the baby’s body before crushing her skull. Abortionists have described how horrific and brutal this procedure is. In a third-trimester abortion, the baby is given a fatal injection of feticide to the heart or head that causes cardiac arrest before labor is induced.
No pregnancy complication requires an induced abortion — the direct and intentional killing of the preborn child — as treatment. As the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) explained, “Abortion is NOT healthcare, much less an essential part of women’s health care. If it were, more OB/GYNs would do them. Currently, greater than 90% of abortions are done by dedicated abortion providers, not by a woman’s personal physician.”
Coterie says its products are “engineered to support your baby through every stage and milestone.” Yet it fully supports killing children in the earliest stages of their lives.
Hello Bello
In addition to diapers, Hello Bello sells a variety of products geared towards babies and parents. yet it also supports abortion. On June 27, 2022, just days after the Supreme Court ruled Roe v. Wade was overturned, Hello Bello turned to Instagram to share its thoughts.
“At Hello Bello, we support ALL parents in their decisions on their individual parenthood journeys. It is not our place to judge, and we are committed to creating a culture that is open-minded and open-hearted,” it said.
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It continued, “At Hello Bello, our mission is “Premium for All” — supporting parents by eliminating the choice between what’s best for your family and what’s best for their budget. The overturn of Roe v Wade will not make abortions disappear; it means only people with the economic means will have access to them. Premium reproductive healthcare should be accessible to ALL. And that’s what this is all about – reproductive health care – and we believe decisions in that regard should be between individuals and their health care providers.”
The company promised to “continue to help cover the costs and provide paid time off for those who need access to reproductive care,” but then claimed, “[W]e are not in favor of someone having a specific medical procedure. We are in favor of keeping the government out of those decisions.”
But the government’s job is to protect vulnerable humans from harm or from being unjustly killed. Live Action’s innovative new Window to the Womb web app shows that from the moment of fertilization, a new human life exists and will continue to grow and develop from that moment on throughout her entire lifespan — embryo, fetus, newborn, infant, child, teen, and adult.
In addition, pro-life laws protecting preborn children do decrease abortions. As Live Action News previously reported, the Society of Family Planning utilized data from facilities that commit abortions, finding that “… there were 32,260 fewer abortions in the six months following Dobbs (July to December of 2022) when compared to the average monthly number of abortions in the preceding period. That translates into an average of 5,377 fewer abortions each month.”
Honest Co.
The Honest Company has quickly grown into a competitive brand alongside long-reigning champs Huggies and Pampers. In addition to diapers, it sells wipes, bath products, diaper bags, baby clothing, and even products for mothers. But, following the fall of Roe, Honest made it clear that it supports the false ‘right’ to abortion.
“The Honest Company was created to inspire everyone to love living consciously and we know access to healthcare is a major factor in a person’s ability to do just that,” the company said on Instagram just days after Roe was overturned. “Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court made a decision that will impact women’s access to safe healthcare, their lives in the workplace and at home for generations to come. … [A]t Honest, our top priority remains on what we can help meaningfully impact: the health, safety and well-being of our Honest team. For us, this means that we will continue to provide access to quality healthcare to our employees and eligible dependents regardless of where they live.”
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It’s rather interesting that Honest mentioned “generations to come” and “dependents” in a social media post supporting the very act that kills the next generation. While Honest wants to focus on abortion as health care, the truth is that induced abortion is not health care because it is never medically necessary to intentionally kill one patient to save or heal another.
Even when a woman is experiencing a medical emergency during pregnancy and her pregnancy must end, her child does not have to be intentionally killed in order for the pregnancy to be ended.
“In situations where the mother’s life is truly in jeopardy, her pregnancy must end, and the baby must be delivered… some babies do need to be delivered before they are able to survive outside of the womb, which occurs around 22 to 24 weeks of life. These situations are considered a preterm delivery and not an abortion,” Dr. Kendra Kolb explained in a video for Live Action.
The only procedures considered legally to be ‘abortions’ are those in which the preborn child is deliberately killed prior to delivery. Induced delivery, pre-term delivery, emergency C-sections, surgery to remove a deceased preborn child, and surgery for ectopic pregnancies aimed at saving the mother’s life are not induced abortions and are not prohibited by any pro-life laws.
Huggies, a major player in the diaper business, has said, “Babies’ health and wellness are our top priority.” That’s why, it said, it is a “primary sponsor for Hand to Hold®, a national nonprofit that provides personalized emotional support, education and community to parents before, during and after a NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) stay.” This initiative helps families of babies born prematurely, and babies born as young as 21 weeks have survived and are thriving thanks to the medical care provided to them at birth.
Yet, as reported by ABC News, Huggies is made by the company Kimberly-Clark, which matches employee contributions to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business. Abortion is the active killing of babies of all ages — even the same ages as those being helped by the Hand to Hold program. In addition, as reported by The Daily Signal, Huggies donates to the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses, an organization that signed on to a joint statement criticizing the overturning of Roe, and claiming that “abortion is an essential part of reproductive health care.”
Though Huggies did run an ad with a very pro-life message in 2013, its connection to pro-abortion groups can’t be ignored.
Roe v. Wade forced legalized abortion on every state beginning in 1973, ensuring that no child was protected from abortion, even at 21 weeks and beyond. The pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute stated in 2016 that most late abortions are not carried out for so-called medical reasons, revealing that at least 75% of abortions at 13 weeks and beyond are completely elective. As seen in the video above, abortionists are willing to commit abortions on viable babies very late in pregnancy.
The bodies of five such babies were discovered in March 2023 in a medical waste bin outside of Washington D.C. abortion business, Washington Surgi-Center, which commits late abortions for any reason. Experts stated these babies were likely old enough to survive outside the womb and could have been killed by infanticide. But because abortion is so protected, D.C. police refused to investigate the matter.
Another major diaper competitor, Pampers, is owned by Proctor & Gamble, which announced just days following the overturning of Roe that it would create a travel policy that would pay for employees to travel for an abortion.
In a press release, the company said, “The legislative environment and the recent Supreme Court decision (Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health) are … affecting where some healthcare needs can be met. To continue to support all employees in having access to a wide range of healthcare options, effective January 1, 2023, the P&G U.S. healthcare plans will expand coverage for travel support for travel expenses incurred to receive covered medical care when a provider is not available within a 50-mile radius.”
Offering to pay for an employee’s abortion and any travel costs related to said abortion is an act of encouragement toward abortion.
After the fall of Roe, P&G and other pro-abortion companies scrambled to ensure their employees in pro-life states could still have their undelivered children killed. After all, it’s cheaper for employers to pay for abortion expenses than maternity leave and healthcare for an employee’s new baby or babies.
Live Action’s satire video, “A Generous Offer” draws attention to the false sense of support these companies are showing their pregnant employees. In the video, an employee named Megan is invited into a meeting with her boss and an HR manager. During that meeting, they discuss her pregnancy and offer her fully paid leave including travel expenses — however, this offer only applies if she has an abortion.
In a survey of women who sought post-abortive counseling, 73% said they felt some level of pressure to have an abortion, including financial pressure. Another study found that up to 64% of abortions are committed under coercion.
Live Action founder and president Lila Rose said in a press release, “Women in the workplace are being lied to by their employers, who are claiming ‘female empowerment’ by offering to pay a mother to end the life of her child, which in fact is the most demeaning and degrading thing to happen to someone. We believe the satire in these videos can change hearts and minds by ridiculing harmful principles and bringing hidden agendas to light.”
In contrast to these diaper companies, EveryLife is a diaper company that does not support abortion and believes all children’s lives should be protected.