Once known primarily as pundit that, while not everyone’s cup of tea, was a pro-life stalwart who devoted much of her writing...
In the more than two months since Robert Lewis Dear’s killing spree at a Colorado Planned Parenthood, the barrage of pro-abortion attempts...
Some people were less than thrilled with Ted Cruz’s Iowa primary victory, and not just his presidential competitors. Both Planned Parenthood and...
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is the second major Democrat to upset her pro-abortion constituents with unexpected comments lately. In a new...
Pro-lifers should celebrate one of the latest public statements from Planned Parenthood. Not because it’s any good, mind you; it’s completely horrid....
Remember Kurt Eichenwald? In 2013, we eviscerated a hit piece by the Vanity Fair writer that tried to argue his wife’s battle...
A Colorado Springs woman has been arrested for threatening to shoot pro-life Republicans in a phone call to the Planned Parenthood clinic...
Abortion advocates have intensely raised fears over anti-abortion violence in the wake of the Thanksgiving weekend shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic...
On Thursday, Republican presidential candidate and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham delivered a scathing critique of fellow Republicans who take what he...
When news first broke of last week’s shooting at a Colorado Planned Parenthood, our president faced a dilemma: use it to demonize...
A “Brave & Unprecedented,” “truly awesome” move that “Just Changed TV Forever” – Nicole Pomarico, Bustle Viewers “stunned” – Emily Yahr, Washington...
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has distanced himself from a super PAC’s planned ads on his behalf attacking Florida Senator Marco Rubio...
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has been having a rough time trying to become the Republican presidential nominee for a variety of...
Ready for the most preposterous manifestation yet of Nancy Pelosi’s pro-abortion devout Catholic shtick? On Thursday, the House Democrat Leader invoked pro-life...