Planned Parenthood’s new president Dr. Leana Wen has called abortion Planned Parenthood’s “core mission” — and based on the corporation’s newly-released 2017-2018 annual report, Planned Parenthood hasn’t shied away from that “mission” one bit. Abortions and taxpayer funding are up once again at the abortion corporation — at their highest level since 2011 — while other services have declined, including cancer screenings and overall contraception services. And as the country’s overall abortion numbers show a decline, Planned Parenthood’s abortion numbers continue to go up by the thousands — which also increased this “non-profit” organization’s profits to nearly $245 million in 2017 alone. Live Action president Lila Rose responded to the news, stating, “Planned Parenthood has increased abortions while it offers virtually no services to help pregnant moms birth or care for their babies. Referring one child out for adoption for every 117 abortions you perform and offering just 9,000 prenatal services compared to over 332,000 abortions shows this corporation is more interested in aborting babies than helping moms have healthy births.”
Some takeaways to note:
Planned Parenthood’s abortions increased by 11,000 in 2017, killing more than 332,000 preborn children
Planned Parenthood has long (and falsely) claimed that abortions are only three percent of its services. This claim has been debunked multiple times. And yet, in its 2017 report, Planned Parenthood still claims abortions are a mere 3.4 percent of its services — an increase that translates into 11,000 more lives taken in 2017 than in 2016. Abortions rose nearly four percent (3.54%), from 321,384 in 2016 to 332,757 in 2017, the highest number committed by the corporation since 2011.
In the past ten years, abortions at Planned Parenthood have risen nine percent (8.98%) from 305,310 in 2007. The abortion corporation provides medication abortion in 357 of its 600 facilities, as well as telemedicine abortion in 13 states. According to a recent survey conducted by Operation Rescue, Planned Parenthood locations now represent a majority (51 percent) of all abortion facilities in the U.S. Out of the 133 abortion clinics which OR discovered would commit abortions at 20 weeks or later, 37 are Planned Parenthood facilities – more than double the number just two years prior.
At the time Planned Parenthood released its report, Planned Parenthood’s abortion market share stood at 35.9% when compared to the most recent data from the Guttmacher Institute for 2014. However, updated data from Guttmacher released in September of 2019 for the year 2017 reveals PP’s marketshare climbed to nearly thirty-nine percent (38.5%) in 2017. This means one abortion corporation commits nearly forty percent of all abortions in the nation.

Planned Parenthood abortion marketshare 2000 to 2017 UPDATED Oct 2019 (Image: Live Action News)
Government funding increased by $20 million, and profit was nearly $245 million
In 2017, Planned Parenthood saw an increase in Government funding of nearly four percent (3.69%) from 2016 ($543.7 million to $563.8 million), the highest amount recorded in recent years. In 2017, Planned Parenthood took in $365.7 million in non-government health service revenue and $630.8 million in private donations. As a result, Planned Parenthood was able to pocket a whopping $244.8 million in excess revenue over spending (profit) in 2017, a nearly 149 percent increase from $98.5 million the year prior. In fact, almost every year since 2000, Planned Parenthood’s revenue has exceeded its expenses by tens of millions of dollars.

Planned Parenthood excess revenue over spending 2000 to 2017
Overall contraception services fell another 3 percent in 2017, plummeting 33 percent over 10 years
Even though contraception services make up one quarter of the report’s numbers, overall total contraception services dropped by three percent from last year (2,701,866 in 2016 to 2,620,867 in 2017). Since 2009, contraception services have fallen nearly 35 percent (34.63%) from a high of 4,009,549. In the past 10 years, contraception services have dropped nearly 33 percent (32.63%) from 3,889,980 in 2007 to 2,620,867 in 2017.
Increasing slightly was reversible contraception for women, which rose less than a percent (.87%) from 1,854,518 in 2016 to 1,870,664 in 2017. Vasectomy clients increased five percent (5.04%), from 3,257 in 2016 to 3421 in 2017
Total cancer screenings dropped another 7 percent in 2017, plummeting 68 percent over 10 years
Pap tests decreased two percent (2.46%) from 281,063 in 2016 to 274,145 in 2017, falling nearly 77 percent (76.84%) from a high of 1,183,692 in 2004. In the past 10 years, Pap tests have decreased nearly 72 percent (71.70%), falling from 968,682 in 2007 to 274,145 in 2017.
Breast exams (Planned Parenthood does not perform mammograms) decreased 12 percent (11.97%) from 336,614 in 2016 to 296,310 in 2017, a nearly 73 percent (72.73%) drop from a high of 1,086,654 in 2000. In the past ten years, breast exams have fallen 65 percent (65.19%), from 851,232 in 2007 to 296,310 in 2017.
Total cancer screenings dropped seven percent (7.02%) from the previous year (660,777 in 2016 to 614,361 in 2017). This service has fallen nearly 72 percent (71.53%) from a high of 2,157,849 in 2004. In the past 10 years, total cancer screenings fell nearly 68 percent (67.68%) 1,900,850 in 2007 to 614,361 in 2017.
HPV treatments rose nearly five percent (4.52%) from 18,853 in 2016 to 19,705 in 2017.
Other diagnostic services, which include biopsies, samplings, ablations, and other gynecological surgeries, rose nearly six percent (5.63%) from 5,645 in 2016 to 5,963 in 2017 but dropped seventeen percent from 7,184 in 2015 when the category was added.
Adoptions dropped 27 percent, while unspecified ‘prenatal care’ rose nearly 17 percent
Planned Parenthood performed 1,074,952 pregnancy tests in 2017, roughly the same amount as 2016 (1,071,642). And, while prenatal care services were up nearly seventeen percent (16.66%) 9,055 in 2017 from 7,762 in 2016 they were down nearly seventy-one percent (70.88%) from their high of 31,098 in 2010. In the past ten years, prenatal care has dropped seventeen percent (17.03%) from 10,914 in 2007 to 9,055 in 2017.
Adoption referrals maintained a consistent decline in 2017 , falling twenty-seven percent (27.20%) from 3,889 in 2016 to just 2,831 and forty-two percent (42.37%) from their high of 4,912 ten years prior in 2007.
To date, Planned Parenthood performs 117.54 abortions for every adoption they refer out.
Well-woman exams dropped 8 percent, while unspecified ‘miscarriage care’ rose 46 percent
Planned Parenthood’s recently added categories of miscarriage care and well-woman exams also saw changes. In 2017, miscarriage care rose forty-six percent (46.45%) from 1,182 in 2016 to 1,731 in 2017, while well-woman exams dropped nearly eight percent (7.92%) from 235,355 in 2016 to 216,722 in 2017.
Overall, “Other Women’s Health Services” decreased slightly (1%) from 1,315,941 in 2016 to 1,302,460 in 2017.
Total services increased by 2 percent in 2017, but have fallen 11 percent over 10 years
While total services overall increased slightly by two percent (1.57%) from 9,537,592 in 2016 to 9,687,070 in 2017, total services dropped nearly fifteen percent (14.91%) from a high of 11,383,900 in 2009. In the past ten years, total services at Planned Parenthood have fallen eleven percent (11.31%) from 10,921,825 in 2007 to 9,687,070 in 2017.
STD/STI treatments rose six percent
Planned Parenthood’s largest proportion of services (48.7%) consists of STD/STI treatments, which rose six percent (6.29%) from 4,434,039 in 2016 to 4,712,985 in 2017, their highest in years.
Patient numbers and number of facilities remained unchanged from 2016 to 2017
In 2017, Planned Parenthood’s facility count remained the same at 600, despite once operating 900 facilities. Between 2007 and 2017, the organization shuttered more than 280 facilities.
Planned Parenthood’s published client numbers remained unchanged at 2.4 million patients in 2017. However, clients dropped nearly 23 percent from the 3.1 million they boasted in 2006, and 21 percent (20.55%) from the 3,020,651 clients they claimed in 2007.
While Planned Parenthood bills itself as a health agency for women, the organization’s male clients are a growing segment. In 2014, Planned Parenthood claims to have served more than 250,000 male patients. That number has now reached twelve percent (288,000), according to spokesperson Alencia Johnson. While Planned Parenthood’s patients are steadily declining, federally funded health centers, as identified by the federal Health Resources and Services Administration, served over 27 million patients in 2017 alone.
Planned Parenthood ends the lives of 912 innocent preborn babies each and every day, 38 per hour, and commits one abortion every 95 seconds. Yet, while the corporation’s legitimate health services continue a downward trajectory, Planned Parenthood receives $1,544,657 in tax monies every day. While the abortion vendor has been embroiled in numerous scandals, abuses and fraud, including covering up for child sexual predators as well as disgruntled employees, claiming a toxic work environment and pregnancy discrimination, Planned Parenthood’s 2019 plan has vowed to focus on expanding abortion — and it seems the profitable corporation is doing just that.
Editor’s Note, 9/20/19: Updated PP abortion market share and table.
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