2015 was a rough year for the abortion lobby. They saw a huge number of pro-life laws passed. For the first time in history, the Senate — along with the House of Representatives — voted to defund Planned Parenthood. And while the media tried valiantly, they couldn’t close the floodgates of negative information about the abortion industry.
But while 2015 was a hard year for everyone in the abortion industry, some definitely had a harder time than others. Here are the four biggest losers in the abortion lobby for 2015.
Hey, remember Wendy Davis? She was crowned the darling of the abortion lobby in 2013 after filibustering for over 10 hours in defense of late-term abortion. She tried to parlay that notoriety into a political career, running for governor… and failed miserably. She lost her gubernatorial bid, in spectacular fashion, to pro-lifer Greg Abbott. Since then, Wendy Davis has done close to nothing. She went back to her roots, fundraising for Planned Parenthood, and penned an op-ed defending them when their illegal activities came to light this year. There was talk of a TV show being developed about her career, short and pointless as it was, but there haven’t been any more updates about this “dreamed,” and there has been very little buzz surrounding it — probably because, well, no one cares about Wendy Davis anymore. Interestingly, the executive producer of the proposed TV show is Davis herself.
During her gubernatorial campaign, Davis desperately tried to lose the “Abortion Barbie” image she had built for herself, but now that her political career is over, she’s fallen right back into what she was before: a single-issue politician (albeit a politician without a job now) who has descended into complete and total irrelevancy. She rose so high (on the backs of aborted babies) last year, only to fall so very far in 2015.
There are a few basic obligations when you work as a journalist, and one of them is to get your facts correct, even if you’re writing an opinion piece. But Amanda Marcotte showed over and over and over again this year that, not she couldn’t be bothered to get the basic facts right. She started the year off by sinking to new lows, by attacking grieving fathers, defending predatory men, and calling for the abortions of babies with Down syndrome.
But where she really lost it in 2015 was in the knowledge arena. Whether it was that her extreme pro-abortion bias clouded her ability to understand the facts, or that she was just clueless is anyone’s guess. But over and over and over and over again, she proved that she literally had no idea what she was talking about. America’s views on abortion? Wrong. Science, biology, and embryology? Wrong. The 14th Amendment? Yep, she was wrong. Carly Fiorina and Planned Parenthood? Still wrong. Texas abortion regulations? Wrong, wrong, wrong. Defunding Planned Parenthood? Wrong again.
For having a complete and utter lack of knowledge on the facts about… well, everything, Amanda Marcotte is a huge loser in 2015.
2. The National Abortion Federation
Much of the focus was on Planned Parenthood this year, with the Center for Medical Progress releasing scores of videos showing the abortion behemoth breaking the law. But they weren’t the only ones who ended up in hot water. The National Abortion Federation (NAF) had videos leaked from their annual conference in San Francisco, and what was heard on tape was horrifying. NAF did all they could to prevent the videos from being released, but it was to no avail: they still became public.
So, what was NAF trying to hide? One of the clips makes it very clear that they were worried about the negative press. The grisly things that abortionists were admitting to at the conference didn’t bother them at all, but thinking about how it would look to Americans who would be rightly horrified by what was being said sure did make them nervous. And for good reason. There was a lot of talk about how to dispose of the babies they killed — ideas given involved shoving the babies down the garbage disposal, or throwing them into an incinerator. They admitted that the babies were pushed into the sewer system. One abortionist floated the idea of burning aborted babies to power homes, something that was seen as a “great idea” — and it’s also already happening. Another abortionist talked about how they make sure babies they abort don’t survive. They laughed about being kicked out of funeral homes for being so callous and disrespectful.
Thanks to these videos, Ohio legislators have now introduced a bill requiring that the bodies of aborted babies are treated with respect, instead of like garbage (something that infuriates the pro-abortion extremists). Seeing these videos, it’s no wonder that the National Abortion Federation wanted all of these statements hidden.
1. Planned Parenthood
There was really no contest about who fared the worst this year in the abortion industry. Hands down, it was Planned Parenthood, and much of that was due to the work of David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress. But the fact is, the hits just kept coming and coming and coming this year for Planned Parenthood. It started this summer, when the Center for Medical Progress began released videos from a long undercover investigation. The first video featured Dr. Deborah Nucatola discussing selling the body parts of aborted babies — which is illegal — and it never stopped. The floodgates opened, and more and more illegal activity was revealed.
Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer fraud came to the light. They admitted to getting a fair amount of income selling the body parts. Cecile Richards herself admitted to manipulating the rules on fetal organ sales. They were even caught killing babies born alive after abortions. The scandal was so great that Planned Parenthood President and CEO Cecile Richards had to testify before Congress about it. Multiple states stripped Planned Parenthood of their funding; many more opened investigations. Several congressional investigations were also launched. And of course, in a historic move, the Senate voted to defund Planned Parenthood.
On top of all this, the reality about Planned Parenthood’s overstated relevance became more and more obvious. Contrary to their claims, Planned Parenthood only serves a small percentage of American women. They’re vastly outnumbered by comprehensive health care clinics. It’s also become evident to women around the country that Planned Parenthood doesn’t really provide health care; their own annual report makes this clear. So of course, more people have a negative view of Planned Parenthood than ever before — and support eliminating taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood took a beating this year and was, by far, the biggest loser in the abortion industry of 2015.