Babies born live after abortion attempts continue to occur, according to documents reviewed by Live Action News. Despite only a handful of states requiring these reports, Centers for Disease Control data reviewed by the Charlotte Lozier Institute found that, “[N]ationwide, between 2003 and 2014 at least 143 babies died after being born alive during botched abortions, though the CDC also states this could be an underestimation.”

CDC Born alive infant deaths after abortion 2003-2014 (Image: CDC)
The abortion industry would like the public to believe that babies are rarely born alive after abortions. However, research shows that the so-called abortion/live-birth dilemma has been haunting abortionists since the days of legalization, and is commonly referred to as the Dreaded Complication.
READ: Abortion worker flees facility after seeing 16-week-old baby born alive
Years ago, a baby born alive following an abortion appeared on the Phil Donahue show. Little Ana Rosa Rodriguez was born missing one arm.

News report of Ana Rosa Rodriguez born alive after failed abortion
Earlier this year, a report from Life News was headlined, “766 Babies in Canada Born Alive After Failed Abortions and Left to Die.” Closer to home, emergency physician Dr. Ron Bryce described his encounter with a baby born alive after a failed abortion attempt in Texas. Sadly, the infant did not survive. Former staffers at a Houston abortion facility seen below graphically detailed how babies who survived abortions were later killed.
Sadly, hundreds of thousands of abortions occur in the second and third trimester. Live Action News has documented a number of cases where babies who survived abortions were left to die several states. And who can forget the gripping testimony of pro-life nurse Jill Stanek, who held a survivor at a Chicago hospital?
State reports requiring this reporting show the following:
In 2016, the chilling account of a baby born alive was caught on tape in a 911 call. The incident spurred calls for more governing of these incidents.
According to a report from the Charlotte Lozier Institute, “In August 2017, a new law went into effect to expand Arizona’s protection of the lives of babies born alive during abortions….” Lozier adds, “From August to December 2017, 10 babies were born alive during abortions in Arizona. The abortion report does not specify whether any of these babies survived past birth or where they are now.”

Arizona Abortion Report babies born alive 2017
READ: Planned Parenthood reportedly tells mother: We will ‘break the baby’s neck’ if he’s born alive
Nineteen babies have been reportedly born alive after attempted abortions in the state of Florida over past years (four in 2018, 11 in 2017, and four in 2015).
The information, collected by the state from abortion providers, is compiled in the report, “ITOP Report of Infants Born Alive, By County Where Terminations Occurred, Florida,” on file at the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA). According to a spokesperson from the AHCA, ITOP stands for “Induced Termination of Pregnancy.”

Florida babies born alive after abortions, Nov 1, 2018
This is an increase from previous Live Action News reports published in 2017 and in April 2018. One abortion facility in Florida actually states on their website, “If the labor induction method is used, there is a small chance that the baby could live for a short period of time. (See “What if the fetus is determined to be viable”).”

Florida Pendergraft abortion website
- In 2017 , no medical measures to preserve life were taken, and all three babies died following the abortion attempt. Comfort care was provided in just one of the cases.
- In 2016, no medical measures to preserve life were taken and none of these infants survived. Comfort care measures were given to just two of the five infants.
- In 2015, there were five born-alive incidents, according to the report of induced abortions presented to the legislature.

Babies born alive after abortion Minnesota 2015 to 2017
In 2017, no live birth abortions were reported according to the Michigan Number of Reported Induced Abortions by Evidence of Life report, which publishes responses in reply to the question: “Did fetus show evidence of life when separated, expelled or removed from the woman?” However, the report notes that 143 of the abortions had no response. The same was true for 2016, when 97 had no responses.
Previous years are as follows:

Michigan Aborted babies born alive 2011
New Mexico
Live Action News contributor the congressional report from the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, and discovered that late term abortionists in the state were unaware of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, which requires protection and the full rights of citizenship to babies who survive abortion.
previously reviewedOklahoma
Numbers are not public, but a previous Live Action News report found evidence that as far back as the 1970s, aborted babies were being used for medical research funded by Oklahoma taxpayers. And cases involving living abortion survivors have been discovered even further back.
In a three part series, Live Action News detailed experiments conducted on these living abortion survivors.
- From the 1930s until the mid 1960s, University of Pittsburgh anatomist Davenport Hooker conducted research on children who survived surgical abortion by hysterotomy.
- In 1965, Life magazine depicted a 10-week-old fetus kept alive in an artificial womb.
- In 1972, a former Magee-Women’s Hospital nurse anesthetist testified that she witnessed the hospital shipping aborted and still living human fetuses to researchers for experimentation.
- Some abortion survivors were kept alive almost a day for experimentation.
It is not known how many children survive abortions and are left to die, but it is a reality, even if the industry tries to keep it a secret.