
Abortion is not a fight over women’s lives. It is a fight to allow preborn children to live.

ultrasound, viability, abortion

In a recent interview with Fast Company, Planned Parenthood CEO Alexis McGill Johnson spoke about the “fight” to keep abortion legal, calling it a fight for lives despite the fact that Planned Parenthood kills nearly 1,000 people each day.

The Supreme Court: “For patients everywhere, this is a fight for their lives”

McGill Johnson spoke about Planned Parenthood’s “strategy” around the nomination of conservative Amy Coney Barrett stating to the Supreme Court, “Every generation has their fight, and this is ours.”

But the “fight” McGill Johnson speaks of is to legally kill human beings in their mother’s wombs. Her concern that Roe v. Wade — the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion throughout the U.S. — could be overturned with the appointment of another conservative-leaning justice is fueled by her desire to see abortion continue and expand. Despite the continued decline in the U.S. overall abortion rate for 2018-2019, Planned Parenthood committed its highest number of abortions to date that year — 345,672. Overturning Roe v. Wade would allow states to decide their own abortion-related laws and in pro-life states, those laws could become more restrictive. While achieving equal rights for preborn children is the ultimate goal for the pro-life movement, undoing Roe is a significant threat to Planned Parenthood’s abortion-dependent business model. But McGill Johnson pretends her concern is for women, saying, “Abortion care is already inaccessible for too many women across the country living in states with restrictions that make abortion legal in name only. For patients everywhere, this is a fight for their lives.”

It isn’t women who are fighting for their lives when it comes to abortion. Planned Parenthood alone kills about 1,000 human beings every day in the U.S. and does very little, if anything, to actually save lives.

The Next Frontier in Abortion Access: “Broadband equity”

Asked what Planned Parenthood is doing to provide “essential care for those who need it during the pandemic,” McGill Johnson said that the abortion corporation focused on telehealth visits. Expanding at-home abortions wasn’t an innovative idea spurred by the pandemic, but one the abortion industry has been working towards for years in order to reach women who are far from an abortion facility. Because not everyone has high-speed internet, McGill Johnson believes “broadband equity” should be part of the next big fight for abortion.

Abortion Pill Terminology

READ: Planned Parenthood employees describe corporation’s ‘systemic racism’ and ‘white supremacy’ problem

“Fighting for access to healthcare might mean fighting for broadband equity or making sure that Medicaid reimbursement rates for telehealth service are comparable to in-person visits,” she said. “There have been all these ways telehealth has transformed how we can access our patients, but we still need to pay attention to the reason there is a racial divide when it comes to accessing telehealth. And racism is a public health crisis in itself.” Racism, however, is at the root of abortion — and Planned Parenthood still deals with it inside its own walls.

In claiming equal access to the internet is the next step in providing equal access to abortion, McGill Johnson is pointing out the truth about why abortion exists in the first place. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger is well known for her eugenicist and racist ideas. She placed a Ku Klux Klan Grand Cyclops (Lothrop Stoddard) on her American Birth Control League board and was closely allied with white supremacists and eugenicists. She even spearheaded the “Negro Project” with the goal of recruiting Black doctors and ministers to push her eugenic birth control agenda on Black communities. “We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members,” she said. Late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg also admitted she believed Roe v. Wade existed for a eugenic reasons. “There was concern about population growth and particularly growth in the populations that we don’t want to have too many of,” Ginsburg said in regard to the Hyde Amendment and whether or not federal funds should pay for the abortions of poor women. The focus of Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry has always been to limit certain people from reproducing.

Fighting for future generations

McGill Johnson wants “every generation to remember” that abortion law is “never settled” and as a result, she believes the fight for abortion access must continue. But the true fight is to save future generations from being aborted.

She claims 77% of Americans don’t want to see Roe v. Wade overturned. But the truth is that most people don’t know what Roe v. Wade did and or what overturning it would mean. Roe and its companion Supreme Court Ruling Doe v. Bolton legalized abortion up until birth and the same Marist/NPR poll McGill Johnson referenced found that only 18% of Americans support this. A CBS poll found that more than half of Americans want more restrictions on abortion. Overturning Roe would send the question of legal abortion back to the states, not outright criminalize it.

It is not women who are in the fight for their lives when it comes to abortion and the Supreme Court — it is the preborn humans who are at risk of violent deaths from abortion in the name of someone else’s “choice.”

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