Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaii, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky, and abortionist Caitlin Gustafson have sued Idaho to block the state’s ban on abortion after six...
The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana and Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky have filed a federal lawsuit demanding a preliminary...
On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Julie Robinson ruled that Kansas cannot deny Medicaid funds to Planned Parenthood abortion facilities, after Planned Parenthood...
The Mexican Supreme Court’s First Chamber has voted 3-1 against mandating first-trimester abortion-on-demand throughout Mexico. In Mexico City, abortion is legal for...
On Wednesday, the Kentucky Court of Appeals granted an injunction against the EMW Women’s Clinic abortion facility sought by Republican Governor Matt...
Court hearings began Tuesday over Indiana’s law banning abortions sought for genetic abnormalities, race, or sex, among other pro-life reforms, in a...
Lawyers for Planned Parenthood and the state of Kentucky were in court Wednesday over the state’s suit against the abortion giant for...
The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a lawsuit hoping to invalidate Alabama’s newly-enacted law banning abortion facilities within 2,000 feet of...
Abortions have come to an end at Specialist Hospital Pro-Familia in Rzeszów, Poland, after all the hospital’s gynecologists signed a conscience clause...
On Monday, U.S. District Judge Nancy Torresen issued a preliminary injunction rejecting an effort to quash pro-life protests using a Maine noise...
On Tuesday, the Louisiana State Senate’s Health and Welfare Committee postponed a decision on legislation that would prohibit abortions sought on the...
On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously sent the latest dispute over the Obama Administration’s contraception mandate back to the federal appeals...
Just days after state health officials declared Planned Parenthood ineligible for Medicaid funding, Kansas was forced to delay the move due to a...
Over the weekend, both Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and the American Civil Liberties Union attacked Indiana’s recently-signed pro-life law. The ACLU...