The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a lawsuit hoping to invalidate Alabama’s newly-enacted law banning abortion facilities within 2,000 feet of a K-8 public school — arguing it would force two centers to close — as well as its ban on dismemberment abortions.
Last month, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley signed both laws. The first applies to public elementary and middle schools, and could close Alabama Women’s Center and the West Alabama Women’s Center (pictured above). Those two facilities are estimated to account for 72 percent of Alabama’s abortions.
The second law ends the dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortion procedure, which tears apart a preborn child limb from torso and is the most prevalent abortion procedure in the second trimester. Both bills take effect August 1. This procedure is described in the following video by former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino:
However, supporters of the law anticipated the lawsuit, and are optimistic about the laws’ chances. Pro-life activist Rev. James Henderson said, “Not only do we feel good about the victory, but we see this as an opportunity to expose the ACLU for what they are as far as their pattern of standing against basic morality and Christian values.”