A former Planned Parenthood abortionist recently shared her story in an interview for Focus on the Family. The interview told her conversion...
Editor’s Note: Live Action works to maintain the highest standards of journalistic integrity. Live Action has looked into key elements of Ms....
Focus on the Family has produced a pro-life program featuring interviews with individuals who have lived through the “hard cases” of abortion. These are...
In Focus on the Family’s See Life series, a woman named Laura told her story of choosing life after her daughter was...
(Pregnancy Help News) As the battle for life continues in today’s culture, Focus on the Family plans a major August event that...
Focus on the Family and the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention have announced that they will be...
Thursday was the National Day of Prayer, and at an event sponsored by Rep. Robert Aderholt, Focus on the Family founder James...
American Heritage Girls is a national character development organization for young women, that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. On February...