American Heritage Girls is a national character development organization for young women, that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement.

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On February 10th, AHG announced the release of a new “Respect Life” patch. The girls have two ways to earn the “Respect Life” patch. They can participate in an event that brings attention to respecting life. Or they can provide a service project for an organization whose mission demonstrates a desire to respect life.
An American Heritage Girls group in Alaska give support to Alaska Right to Life and local Crisis Pregnancy centers. American Heritage Girls have also worked with the Catholic Diocese of Arlington in support of the 2014 March for Life.
In sharing about the new “Respect Life” patch, AHG executive director and founder Patti Garibay said:
“One of the things that attracts so many girls to American Heritage Girls is our strong affirmation of the Biblical worldview, which includes respecting all life from conception to natural death. Over the years AHG troops have supported life in a variety of ways, and we are pleased to offer them the opportunity to earn this patch and display it on their uniforms.”
The mission of the American Heritage Girls is: “Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.” The organization has grown to over 30,000 members across the world, with more than 720 troops in 48 U.S states.
AHG is recommend by Focus on the Family founder Dr. James Dobson. He supports the organization, saying:
“I recommend American Heritage Girls enthusiastically to parents who want their daughters involved in a traditional Christian-based program that will reinforce what they are trying to teach at home.”
Dr. Dobson endorsed the organization in his book, “Bringing up Girls” and interviewed the American Heritage Girls Founder on his radio broadcast.
I’m grateful to discover a girls group that teaches the beauty and value of life. This is a message young women desperately need to hear. If you find their mission inspiring, please visit their website to learn how to start a troop in your city.