The building that houses the grisly late-term abortion facility, Southwestern Women’s Surgery Center in Dallas, owned and operated by abortionist Curtis Boyd...
Pro-lifers slated to testify at a Dallas City Council meeting Wednesday regarding a pro-abortion resolution to deprioritize police investigations of abortion say...
According to the pro-life group Abortion on Trial, the University of New Mexico (UNM) has agreed to pay a settlement of $365,000...
Ever a font of misleading information and dangerous propaganda, Ms. Magazine has once more preached a lie-laden sermon to its pro-abortion choir....
It’s been five years since 23-year-old Keisha Atkins and her 24-week-old baby died at the hands of abortionists on February 4, 2017....
Every abortion kills a human being and carries risks to the health of the mother, but those risks increase as the gestational...
Last year, it was revealed that Keisha Atkins, who died after a late-term abortion, had been drugged repeatedly before her death. Now,...
Most pediatricians do everything they can to keep babies alive and breathing. But pediatrician Robin Ohls claims to “improve the lives of premature babies” by researching...
It was the best of times (for abortionists). It was the worst of times (for babies). The House Select Panel on Infant Lives...
The subpoenas are being moved almost as quickly as the baby parts after an abortion. The House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives has...
Infamous late-term abortionist Curtis Boyd’s position as Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of New Mexico (UNM) is one he isn’t remotely...
The chair of a U.S. House investigative panel has announced they have issued subpoenas to obtain documents regarding the possible sale of...
The University of New Mexico and late-term abortionist Curtis Boyd (pictured above) are facing questions of whether Boyd broke the law in...
New Mexico late-term abortionist Curtis Boyd (pictured above) has been providing the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center with body parts...