In July 2015, the Center for Medical Progress released explosive undercover footage showing Planned Parenthood officials bartering over the organs and body parts of aborted...
U.S. District Judge John deGravelles has issued a temporary restraining order blocking Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal’s decision to terminate the state’s Medicaid...
On Tuesday, Louisiana Governor and Republican presidential candidate Bobby Jindal wrote a blog post arguing that abortion was a cultural factor indirectly...
In July, Iowa Republican Governor Terry Branstad responded to the news of Planned Parenthood’s organ harvesting side business by ordering a comprehensive...
Florida Senator and presidential candidate Marco Rubio has taken some grief for standing firm against abortion even in cases of rape, and...
Republican Presidential candidates Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Carly Fiorina responded to a two-question survey from ForAmerica asking, if President, they would veto...
Republican presidential primary debates offered pro-lifers another look at how potential leaders of the free world would tackle the defining human rights atrocity of...
On Friday, Planned Parenthood of the Heartland and the American Civil Liberties Union filed suit against Arkansas, in an effort to stop the state from cutting...
The 2016 presidential primaries, coinciding with an almost-unprecedented barrage of revelations about the crimes and callousness Planned Parenthood engages in behind closed...
The U.S. House of Representatives is slated to hold a vote on legislation to defund Planned Parenthood upon their return from August...
(The Daily Signal) Planned Parenthood announced it will sue Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal for terminating its Medicaid contract with the state. “Planned...
Planned Parenthood Gulf States surely thought they’d appear to dominate the moral high ground in the rally they planned outside the Louisiana Governor’s...
In response to a pro-abortion rally to be hosted by Planned Parenthood at the governor’s mansion today, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has released...
To date, twelve states have launched investigations into their Planned Parenthood affiliates to determine if they are engaged in the kinds of illegal...