Editor’s note: This is part of an ongoing series investigating the lies, cover-ups, and abuses inside Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion chain.
Planned Parenthood bills itself as “an informed educator” of teens. But their idea of “education” may be shocking to some parents.
In summer 2014, Live Action went undercover and caught Planned Parenthood giving dangerous sex advice to minors, presenting it as normal. Young girls were told graphic details about dangerous sexual practices, as well as given advice about sex shops and pornographic sites, which only adults are able to legally access.
Planned Parenthood receives over half a billion dollars annually in taxpayer funding. Twenty-six Planned Parenthood affiliates have received grants under the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP), as have 15 affiliates under the federal Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative (TPPI).
But as Planned Parenthood affiliates have promoted BDSM videos and seminars and their official website has a section on these dangerous sex practices (without age appropriate warnings), one has to wonder how these types of things help to prevent teen pregnancy or promote “personal responsibility.” As was the case with the release of SexEd video project, parents are usually shocked and appalled to hear of Planned Parenthood targeting their children in such a manner:
On their websites, Planned Parenthood also has recommendations of sex education programs, which are being implemented at schools already (more on why Planned Parenthood’s programs are inaccurate and unsafe here). But their sex-ed partnerships aren’t the only problematic ones. Their resources page for many affiliates also promotes a website called, “Go Ask Alice.” This website’s Q&A section contains an array of bizarre topics, including:
- Experimenting playing with feces
- How fetishes are normal (including wearing a diaper for one’s sexual partner)
- Advocating for masturbation with one’s friends
- Says sadomasochism “absolutely is” normal (while explaining in great detail what it is in another answer)
- Advocating for drinking urine
- Explaining role-playing for BDSM for a girlfriend whose boyfriend wants her to hit him
- Suggests bestiality “may be normal”
One answer suggests that parents turn to the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) for help in talking to their children about sex. This organization’s sex ed guidelines have come under fire for their promotion of abortion as “safe” as well as the description of masturbation to 5-8 year olds. Of course, Planned Parenthood itself encourages even young children to masturbate.
Planned Parenthood also has an “Info for Teens” page, which is popular among 13-17 year olds on Facebook. The page contains topics such as “My Body,” “Birth Control, STDs and Pregnancy,” “Quizzes and Games,” “Sex,” “Dating, Family, and Friends,” and “LGBTQ.” And naturally, it invites them to contact Planned Parenthood to ask their “experts” for information on these topics -which they may be doing without parental knowledge or consent.
Don’t let the guise of helpfulness fool you. This national and world leader in abortions has been caught covering up statutory rape and aiding and abetting sex traffickers rather than the victims.
The American Life League’s Stop Planned Parenthood (STOPP) initiative has highlighted the unpleasant reality of how the abortion giant is “hooking kids on sex,” and then encouraging them to have abortions if and when their birth control methods fail. Abortion equals profit for Planned Parenthood. More abortions (and more profits) are possible when Planned Parenthood gains entry into the school system and sets itself up with teens as the go-to authority on all things related to sexual health and reproduction.
As you might imagine, the abortion giant vehemently opposes abstinence education programs. As an abortion provider which receives financial gain from abortion, naturally, they approach sex education with a pro-abortion mindset. (Some might reasonably see this as a conflict of interest.)
Planned Parenthood, in setting itself up as an authority on sexual health and with access to middle and high schools, gains the trust of students. Why is this bad for children and parents? Because Planned Parenthood never met a parental notification abortion law it didn’t fight – despite the fact that parents overwhelmingly support such laws. Most parents have to sign permission slips for their daughters to receive something as simple as an over-the-counter pain medication – and they certainly don’t want their daughters having surgical procedures or medication abortions without their knowledge or consent.
Bottom line: Planned Parenthood is bad for teens and is no friend to parents.
Previous articles in the Inside Planned Parenthood Series:
- Inside Planned Parenthood: Covering up child sexual abuse
- Planned Parenthood workers: We lied to women about the development of their babies
- Planned Parenthood abortionist: The more abortions we did, the more money we made
- Former Planned Parenthood workers: We coerced women into getting abortions
- Planned Parenthood worker: “We had no resources” for women who chose life