Yesterday, I posted a discussion of the legal conflict between laws permitting abortion and the fetal homicide laws that 35 states have...
David Schmidt and Jill Stanek made great observations earlier this week pointing out reports that the abortion industry has yet to challenge...
Jivin J over at writes: Politico has an article on the reason why pro-choice organizations aren’t challenging fetal pain laws banning...
The Boston Herald is reporting on a story today which should outrage all of us (I’ve added bold font to the most...
President Obama agreed to cut $600 million in federal funding for community health centers, while threatening a government shutdown in order to...
Tomorrow, the Senate votes on a bill to defund Planned Parenthood. They need to hear from you today! Late last Friday night,...
Jill Stanek has it all here.
This comes via SBA List: 1. President Obama and Senate Democrats are willing to shut down the federal government to ensure tax...
Denise Hunnell spotted this posting in the jobs section of Craigslist-Washington DC this week: **Stop the Assault on Women’s Reproductive Rights!**$335-$535/wk (Dupont)...
The politicians and public figures currently considering a run against pro-abortion President Barack Obama disagree with each other on some things, but...
This week Live Action has been exposing the lie told by Planned Parenthood and Cecile Richards that they provide mammograms to women....
Live Action and Students for Life also recognize a wonderful contribution entitled “We are the Youth” by a Live Action High School...
Currently in Illinois, only licensed health care professionals at health care centers like Planned Parenthood are required to report the sexual abuse...
LifeSiteNews reports: The Texas House has joined the Senate to require women to see a sonogram image of their unborn child before...