Abortion Pill Reversal

Abortion pill reversal saved Rebekah’s baby boy: ‘He is a joy to have in my life’

abortion pill reversal

As a 19-year-old college freshman, Rebekah was already a single mother to a 10-month-old son when she learned she was pregnant for the second time. Believing her parents would kick her out and she and her children would be alone and destitute, Rebekah decided her only choice was abortion.

Rebekah’s relationship with the father of her baby was “extremely toxic” and abusive. She was living with her parents and parenting her son when she broke down and told her parents about her boyfriend’s addictions and abusive behavior. Her parents, to her surprise, were understanding and supportive. They wanted to help her finish college and be stable and successful, but they told her she could not get pregnant again. Rebekah agreed to follow their rules, but unbeknownst to her, she was already pregnant.


“I was shocked,” Rebekah told Live Action. “I was devastated. I thought, ‘There is no way I can have two babies at 19 years old and raise them as a single mom.”

Fearful that she would have to drop out of school and that the lives of her children would be too difficult, she decided on abortion. The abortion pill appeared to be the best choice because “it seemed more natural” to her. She believed she would be able to keep her mind and heart separated from what her body was physically doing because she was told the abortion pill experience would be similar to having her period. This is untrue. The abortion pill can cause extreme pain and hemorrhaging and comes with numerous risks.

The abortion pill regimen consists of two drugs. The first is mifepristone, which works to block the naturally occurring hormone progesterone that helps to nourish the baby during pregnancy. The second pill, misoprostol, is taken 24 to 48 hours after the mifepristone and induces contractions that cause the mother to give birth to her dead baby.



Rebekah said she began to get emotional when she was given the abortion pill and the Planned Parenthood worker told her, “You know, Rebekah, just because you’re sad doesn’t mean you’re making the wrong decision.” At the time, Rebekah thought this was good advice, but in reality, her doubts were a red flag that she should not be having the abortion.

Rebekah took the abortion pill and the abortion worker checked her mouth to make sure she took it — which is odd since Rebekah would be taking the second pill completely on her own. She was given a brown paper bag with the second pill, and was sent home.

“And by the time I got to my car — which maybe only took a minute and a half, two minutes — I sat down, and I started going through the bag and I remember just feeling paralyzed and thinking, ‘Oh my gosh. What did I just do?’ I have a baby at home that I love very much. I’m getting more and more attached to this baby that’s growing inside of me. I started thinking, ‘Has the pill already run its course in the last couple minutes? Has the baby already passed away? Did it feel any pain?’ I just wanted so badly to take back the last ten minutes of my life.”

Rebekah prayed and asked God to help her find a way out. She pulled out her phone and searched for a way to stop the abortion pill and found Abortion Pill Rescue (877-558-0333). She called the number and spoke to a nurse who was able to connect Rebekah to a doctor who could help her.

READ: 5 reasons why women should avoid taking the abortion pill

Abortion pill reversal works by administering a series of progesterone shots to counteract the mifepristone. Rebekah began the process, but when she called Planned Parenthood about not returning to ensure the abortion pill had worked, they told her that her baby was not going to survive and if he did, he would be born with “severe abnormalities.” Rebekah spent her pregnancy worried that she had hurt her baby and was in constant fear of losing him.

Months later, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy who now plays sports and does well in school. “He is a joy to have in my life, and I can’t believe that he was almost not here,” explained Rebekah. “And this is the life I would have missed out on. This is what people say is, you know, a harder, less worthy, less fun life, and I can’t begin to describe how untrue that is.”

Rebekah went on to graduate from college just six months later than she had planned. She is now married to a “wonderful guy” after believing a good man would never want her and her kids, and they have had more children. Rebekah is now involved in pro-life activism to help other women choose life because she understands the hopelessness that girls and women feel when choosing abortion.

“I understand what it’s like to start an abortion and to feel instant guilt and regret and grief,” she said. “And I now know what it’s like to be given a second chance at choice, a second chance at choosing life, and so what I really want to stress to girls that are watching this who haven’t yet made the decision or still kind of on the fence is: I want you to know that abortion is not your only option, and that there is a really awesome life waiting on the other side of you choosing ‘yes’ to life for this baby.”

Visit AbortionPillKills.com for Live Action’s bombshell exposé on the abortion industry’s push for do-it-yourself abortions.

Sign the petition to ban the abortion pill here.

Editor’s Note: Visit AbortionPillReversal.com for information on how to potentially stop the abortion pill process after it has begun.

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