A teenager with spina bifida who was adopted as a child from China is thriving as he forges a new path in...
A toddler born with spina bifida is learning to walk and proving all the doctors wrong — especially the ones who attempted...
A woman was allowed to undergo a full-term abortion in India, simply because her baby had a prenatal diagnosis of spina bifida....
British mom Meghan Elise Bell recently reported that as soon as her preborn daughter was suspected of having spina bifida, doctors pressured...
Bethan Simpson’s story of refusing to abort her daughter Eloise because she had spina bifida shows that an adverse prenatal diagnosis does...
Prenatal testing often receives criticism, even within the pro-life community. The reason is because abortion advocates regularly encourage parents to abort if...
The parents of a seven month old girl, Olivia-Jax, are speaking out about her life on Facebook. While in her mother’s womb,...
It’s not uncommon to see stories of women talking “bravely” about how they chose to abort their baby with a disability. They’ll...
A woman decided to have a late-term abortion because the baby had spina bifida, and would likely be in a wheelchair. Some techniques...
He's been suspended from the party.