Several states legalized abortion prior to the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973. New York was one of those states,...
( To recap, undercover videos by the Center for Medical Progress have revealed Planned Parenthood’s potential involvement in four illegal activities: 1) selling baby body parts...
Once again, Planned Parenthood has refused to say that a baby born alive after an abortion should receive lifesaving medical care. In...
( The sickening series of videos from Center for Medical Progress continues apace. Today we get a look at the regime of...
On Wednesday, Texas Senator and Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz blasted Planned Parenthood over the latest Center for Medical Progress investigative video....
Understandably, many pro-choice people don’t want to think about babies born alive accidentally during abortions. If challenged on this point, they will...
In the fourth and most startling undercover Planned Parenthood video from the Center for Medical Progress, Dr. Savita Ginde of Planned Parenthood...
Jill Stanek is a well-known pro-life blogger and activist who first became active in the pro-life movement when she exposed the practice...
What every pro-lifer can do to end the scourge of abortion.