On Wednesday, Texas Senator and Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz blasted Planned Parenthood over the latest Center for Medical Progress investigative video.
During an appearance on Simon Conway’s radio show, Cruz called the videos, “horrific,” noting that “each video is worse than the one that preceded it,” and expressing hope that “especially” pro-choice Americans watch the videos “and just ask yourself, ‘are these my values?’”
He went on to discuss the contents of the latest video, “where you see them describing a child that has been born, whose heart is still beating, and yet nonetheless the doctor cuts the child’s face open to harvest the brain, because from their perspective this is a profit-making endeavor.”
Cruz then lamented that “under President Obama, the Department of Justice has become so partisan and lawless that nobody believes there will even be an investigation,” despite the fact that “these videos show senior officials admitting on tape to a pattern of multiple felonies. Selling the body parts of unborn children for a profit carries a ten-year prison sentence.”
He went on to reiterate pledges he has made in television ads and during the first primary debate that “if I’m elected president, on the very first day in office, I will instruct the Department of Justice to open an investigation into Planned Parenthood and to prosecute any and all criminal conduct by that organization and by its officials.”
Live Action News has previously reported that Cruz has also declared Planned Parenthood a “national criminal enterprise” and said he would be willing to withhold taxpayer dollars from the abortion giant, even if the Obama Administration would instigate a government shutdown in response by refusing to sign a budget without Planned Parenthood funding.