In July 2015, the Center for Medical Progress released explosive undercover footage showing Planned Parenthood officials bartering over the organs and body parts of aborted...
On Friday, Ohio Republican Governor John Kasich’s health department issued a waiver allowing a Cincinnati Planned Parenthood facility to continue performing abortions,...
In yet another classless move by the big business abortion group, Planned Parenthood and its president, Cecile Richards, took to Twitter to...
After winning Tuesday’s Indiana Republican primary with 53% of the vote to Ted Cruz’s 36%, Donald Trump has likely sealed the GOP nomination...
Following a win in New York’s primary, Donald Trump took to NBC’s Today on Thursday morning to express his opinions on abortion, an...
Pro-choicers have done some really weird and disgusting things to promote their cause of unrestricted abortion. There was the witch who made...
With Republican presidential contenders vigorously trading attacks and disputing each other’s accounts of their records, it can sometimes seem overwhelming to sort...
You would think comedians were supposed to be funny, right? Lately many of them though have turned into bastions of pro-abortion idiocy...
On Sunday, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed legislation that will defund Planned Parenthood by forbidding the state from making health service contracts...
The most recent Republican presidential debate was highly illuminating only due to the candidates’ own interactions and pronouncements, not because the moderators’...
Planned Parenthood was the center of one of the 2016 election’s tensest exchange during Saturday night’s CBS Republican primary debate. The evening...
The Ohio House of Representatives has made its final vote to approve HB 294, which forbids state health funds from going to...
On Monday, Ohio Governor and Republican presidential candidate, John Kasich, promised a crowd in Concord, New Hampshire, that Planned Parenthood funding was “not...
The Alabama House of Representatives plans to reintroduce the pro-life ‘Heartbeat Bill,’ which, according to LifeSiteNews, “would make committing an abortion against a...