The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will now be paying for journalists to pen pro-abortion articles in European media outlets in an apparent attempt...
From Tennessee comes the sickening story of a 31-year-old woman, Anna Yocca, who faces attempted murder charges for trying to abort her...
In response to Robert Lewis Dear’s killing spree at Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs, pro-abortion columnist Jill Filipovic resurrected one of abortion...
Radical feminist writer Jill Filipovic is not happy with Pope Francis. In the New York Times, she criticizes his recent announcement authorizing...
While the media stay away from the recent videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of aborted baby parts, they are drawn to Planned...
Antagonism towards pro-lifers from the abortion lobby is nothing new. Andrew Cuomo notoriously said that pro-lifers are not welcome in the state...
Cosmopolitan’s senior political writer, Jill Filipovic, singled out reality television star, Jessa Duggar, over comments following a visit to the Holocaust Museum....
Sometimes, it seems like abortion advocates are doing nothing more than lying in wait for the next thing that will offend them....