Following the fall of Roe v. Wade in June, Tennessee’s pro-life “trigger” law protecting preborn children from abortion from the moment of...
Bravo star Andy Cohen appeared on an episode of Sirius XM’s “Jeff Lewis Live” on June 6, during which he spoke about...
(Secular Pro-Life) On September 7, 2021, Ms. Magazine published a piece by Carrie Baker titled “Media Repeat Junk Science Behind Abortion Ban...
(Secular Pro-Life) There has been no shortage of pushback to SB 8, the Texas bill that bans almost all abortions after an embryonic...
Former abortionist Dr. Bernard Nathanson was pivotal in legalizing abortion in New York before Roe v. Wade. After he became pro-life, he...
Genetic engineering has taken a new and disturbing twist in China, and Westerners fear it may come this way if not headed...
I knew there was a reason I liked Beakman’s World better. Last year, I called out Bill Nye the Science Guy for omitting from...