If Roe v. Wade is overturned, the lives of children with health conditions such as cystic fibrosis will be saved — and...
Recently, The New York Times decided to publicize what pro-lifers have known for years: healthy babies are being aborted due to prenatal...
Kerrie Evans, a woman who was suing for millions of dollars in damages over the successful birth of her daughter, has lost...
Kerrie Evans of Gardiner, Montana, has filed a $14.5 million lawsuit against Park Clinic in Livingston, Billings Clinic’s Bozeman OB/GYN, nurse practitioner Peggy...
Editor’s Note: Live Action News believes that parents need to receive full information about any disability or disease their preborn child is...
Are you grateful to Hollywood? It sounds like you should be. According to anthropologist Grant McCracken, Hollywood has blessed us with “an...
Cystic fibrosis is a condition close to my heart, as my daughter lives with it. CF is a chronic condition that affects...
When I was pregnant with my first child, there was a slight indication that I might be a carrier for a genetic...
Cork Fertility Centre in Ireland recently announced what they are calling the first successful birth of a baby screened for cystic fibrosis...
My heart is broken for you, Addie Morfoot. I can feel the regret, the pain, the torture in the words you shared...
Encouraging the worst in society.