For most people, it’s not a surprise that abortionists don’t garner a lot of respect. After all, most people think that abortion...
When Jennifer and Jason DeBuhr were told their preborn son would be born with difficulties that would affect his brain and shorten...
Maryland Coalition for Life is reporting that yet another emergency has occurred at Leroy Carhart’s late-term abortion facility. This time, the patient...
(New Wave Feminists) The documentary film After Tiller is a fascinating look at the abortion industry, but it’s also a fascinating piece of propaganda. It...
Everyone’s favorite late-term abortion crusader has popped up again. Wendy Davis has been laying low after her humiliating defeat in the Texas...
The Sundance Film Festival might very well have a new darling for Hollywood’s crowd of pro-aborts to crow about. Obvious Child is...
Four of the most notorious late-term abortionists in the United States — LeRoy Carhart, Warren Hern, Shelly Sella, and Susan Robinson —...
Abortion advocates are salivating over the darling of the Sundance Film Festival, pro-abortion film After Tiller. The film follows Shelly Sella, Warren...
He is not exactly a model citizen.